day 14 flower thoughts anybody


Well-Known Member
imo, i would have added more growing medium to your pots, also that will bring them up more,
and have a better chance at those.bottom leaves i see there. what strain is that, 5 weeks
i would def let them go another 2 weeks at minimal. if you want a good yield, they look good tho


Well-Known Member
well im using organics....ive got 2 400w bulbs in room....and it is barneys farm blue what u recon....more soil in pots bring them up a bit?


Well-Known Member
im using coco and clay pebbles in bottom of pot.....bit worrid about disturbing them now and how to do it prop meaning rasing them up......


Well-Known Member
would I just remove it from pot cearfully add new soil in bottom of pot and place back in pot?


Well-Known Member
It really depends on your grow space.... Just keep in mind that your plant will stretch to about twice the size it was when you made the flip.
Also, another factor you want to consider are your lights. The light emitted from CFLs and different wattage HPS/Metal Halide bulbs will penetrate through your canopy differently.


Well-Known Member
ime using 2 400w hps
In that case, Id flip when they get to about 18"-2' tall. Maybe 3'..
But that's just me. :roll:
All of my plants are about 3-3.5' tall right now and I'm using a 600w HPS.
Right Side Tent.jpgLeft Side Tent.jpg
Also, if you don't already, you should invest in an exhaust fan since HPS lights emit quite a lot of heat.


Well-Known Member
nice plants...
Thanks, I can say the same to you. Your ladies are coming along nicely.
Since it seems like you already have everything you need for the grow, the only thing to decide now is when to flower.
But like I said, I'd probably do the flip at about 2', maybe even 2.5 with a 400w..


Well-Known Member
yer that's what im thinking...even so few say I don't have enuff medium needs rising a bit......hmmm....I was planning a 6 week veg im on week 5 atm...dunno weather to let it run 7 weeks....but as u say thay will double in hight when flip them....


Well-Known Member
yer that's what im thinking...even so few say I don't have enuff medium needs rising a bit......hmmm....I was planning a 6 week veg im on week 5 atm...dunno weather to let it run 7 weeks....but as u say thay will double in hight when flip them....
They will about double in height, maybe less, maybe more depending on how close you keep your lights and what strain it is...
But I'd not even pay attention to the weeks for veg and flip based on height.
Seeing as you have an HPS, they will probably get to about 3.5 feet if you flip them at 2' and 4 feet if you flip them at 2.5