day 8 of 12/12 QUESTION


Active Member
day 8 of 12/12 switch, see no signs of budding as i think i shouldn't be.... anyways can i give them one more watering of full veg nutes, cal mag, great white? then ill figure some plan after.. they are looking short, i want to get em bit bigger but will it affect flower or cause hermie getting strong veg shit when they are STARTING to TRY n flowering at day 8 of 12/12 switch, damn this was a lot to type


Active Member
i used veg all the way through .. they still need sum nitrogen even when flowering.. and flowering nutes do u mean pk/13/14? after 8 days seems abit 2 soon are there any flowers showing yet??? start using bloom but quart strengnth and wat i did was every week was and another quater (2nd week half strengneth) week 3 3quater strenth week 4 full until u flush.....when u notice lil buds add ya pk13/14


Active Member
i used veg all the way through .. they still need sum nitrogen even when flowering.. and flowering nutes do u mean pk/13/14? after 8 days seems abit 2 soon are there any flowers showing yet??? start using bloom but quart strengnth and wat i did was every week was and another quater (2nd week half strengneth) week 3 3quater strenth week 4 full until u flush.....when u notice lil buds add ya pk13/14
what you mean with pk13/14 man... im using 3 bottle micro grow and bloom... and i got some Big Bud to add... what u mean.. go on


Active Member
pk13/14 is what i use when i notice flowers.. p is phosphorus k is potasium its wat ya need when flowering..check ur bloom bottle and see what % of p and k it has... my bottle says 13%p 14%k.. hence the name m8..


Active Member
You wanna see flowers right away? Put them in 36 hours of darkness before you put them into flower. I run a 50/50 mix of veg and bloom nutes the first week and a P/K stacker like; Mad Farmers MOAB, Bud Blaster, Kool Bloom powder, bud blood, etc... I usually have nice little buds by the end of the first week.
Or if you got the cash bud ignitor from Advanced or Ultra from Yellow Bottles will kick those flowers our quick!
Also, check for light leaks, any light in there will harm flowering, get it far side of the moon dark in there!
I had some customers saying their plants weren't barley flowering and it was the 8th week! I asked if they had light leaks and they said no, then they said "Ohh well theres a fluorescent house light in there that gets turned on every once in a while" the ignorance of some people is ridiculous.


Active Member
You wanna see flowers right away? Put them in 36 hours of darkness before you put them into flower. I run a 50/50 mix of veg and bloom nutes the first week and a P/K stacker like; Mad Farmers MOAB, Bud Blaster, Kool Bloom powder, bud blood, etc... I usually have nice little buds by the end of the first week.
Or if you got the cash bud ignitor from Advanced or Ultra from Yellow Bottles will kick those flowers our quick!
Also, check for light leaks, any light in there will harm flowering, get it far side of the moon dark in there!
I had some customers saying their plants weren't barley flowering and it was the 8th week! I asked if they had light leaks and they said no, then they said "Ohh well theres a fluorescent house light in there that gets turned on every once in a while" the ignorance of some people is ridiculous.
u named all those types, except for what i have Big Bud from advanced nutrients, how is that compared to the ones u named >.> also im scared of light leaks so i cover them nicely...