De-Leafing during fowering...


As i begin to pull off dying leaves and what not, i wonder if i need to be pulling off the fan leaves as well? thx all!


Well-Known Member
During the last week or so of the flush I pull off the majority of the large fan leaves to help the light get to the bottom of the canopy. Not really sure if it has any benefits or negative effects.


Active Member
i would only remove them if they are really big and shadowing big parts of the plant other wise i would leave them because leafs are the way that the plants recieve a main part of their energy. so leave the ones that arent problems in any way.


Well-Known Member
Unless there is a health issue with the leaves or it is causing poor air circulation through the plant leading to mold problems, leave them on. The plant will draw nutes out of leaf it needs to put out the bumber crop you desire, removing leaves also removes food and energy source to the plant. If you are like the majority of growers here you are probably cutting way way back on N now also. If this is the case removing leaves is basically starving the plant to death by consuming itself.
Just my two cents Good Luck


I heard that removin' the leaves from ANY plant is like runnin' a car with "NO ENGINE". Oh the sun will shine on your buds just fine but that plant is gonna just sit there dyin' slowly so stop killin' and get to groin'


Well-Known Member
i got into a discussion with the grower at the local dispensary about this issue. i've always subscribed to the school of not removing leaves unless they are dead, however after said discussion i started two plants, same strain, same height, same age. on one i removed all of the foliage except for sugar leaves and the other i left alone. they're only a little ways into flower but so far no noticeable difference. i'll try to post updates to see if one does better than the other.:peace: