DEA Raided This Woman's House After She Shopped At A Garden Store


Staff member
obviously i dont agree with this happening...
however...i would be surprised if say she went to like home depot and got dea swat team for gardening surprise..not really surprising since she went to a hydroshop they also compared her electric bill, and went on reports of cannabis smell...

silly though....but still it wasnt JUST for shopping there

Silly String

Well-Known Member
My favorite hydroshop in town got busted over a decade ago (they had a grow going in the store, duh!), and I know customers still *worry* about being watched, etc..... I truly didn't think this shit was STILL going on -- thought it was just left over paranoia.

Those DEA folks are such heroes, taking down the cartel. Keeping that 1/4 oz off the streets. Protecting our children from organic-hibiscus-growing-weed-toking-46-year-old-artist-ladies-who-sleep-with-their-little-dogs.


Well-Known Member
obviously i dont agree with this happening...
however...i would be surprised if say she went to like home depot and got dea swat team for gardening surprise..not really surprising since she went to a hydroshop they also compared her electric bill, and went on reports of cannabis smell...

silly though....but still it wasnt JUST for shopping there
I will say, on the "smell of cannabis" point, it is a common joke in the public defender's offices that police officers have nugs stuck in their noses. the frequency with which it is reported, particularly in traffic stops, as justification for searching without a warrant, particularly if the driver is a young black male, is laughably high. here, i use the term laughable in the sense that one can only laugh at the absurdity of the tragedy perpetrated; it is akin to the instinctual response of soldiers in combat facing/witnessing/dealing with the loss of limbs for the first time: they laugh, though they're neither amused nor in good humor.
be easy,


Well-Known Member
You would think they have more important things to do. Wasted tax dollars...
they do, but, they'd rather put off those more important things (education, health, environment, peace...) until tomorrow.
and tomorrow, and tomorrow and tomorrow, (to paraphrase the bard)


Well-Known Member
ust read that and must sat what over reaching bullshit is that. I could maybe maybe see justifying someone ordering industrial size bottles or palets of soil in a non-med state but not this crap.