dead leafs?


Well-Known Member
well i think i have done something wrong, should i cut them off? check the pic

the pic is kind of blurry but from what i can see i would say either heat stress or too much fert???? which one is hard to tell just from the pi so what type of lights are you using and what type of nutes or fert are you using? are you growing in soil or hydro?


Well-Known Member
leave em the plant will rid itself of it when it doesnt need it anymore...unless its fungus spreading then you need to cut the whole thing down if its in danger of spreading to other plants....


Well-Known Member
leave em the plant will rid itself of it when it doesnt need it anymore...unless its fungus spreading then you need to cut the whole thing down if its in danger of spreading to other plants....

i agree...the plant works like our bodies in that when something is hurting it it will try to rid itself of that problem hints it will get rid of that leaf when it is time.