Deal or No Deal?

Mel O'Cheddar

Active Member
Hello Forumers:

So, while perusing the local free weekly paper, I came across the following ad:

"Indoor Gardens
1000 Watt HPS/ MH special $279.99. Includes Hortilux bulb, Hydrofarm ballast, and Xtrasun 6" Hood."

We are currently running 400 watts in a 5' x 8' closet. We're growing in soil. This is our first indoor grow and we've enjoyed it. We have 8 girls in there, with 3 weeks or less to harvest. Venting, light seepage, etc. are all taken care of. The Spouse figures 1000W would be just right to get the most out of the room. I called up the shop and asked the guy how long the deal was good for, and he said the sale had no "end date" as of yet.

I think we should go snag that shit and set it up right after harvest. It'd be all ready to rumble for the next grow. It seems like a low price for brand-names I've seen tossed around the forums before.

So what do you guys think? Should I go for it? Thanks for any input.:hump:

PS: Ohioans: This deal is in Akron, PM me for the details or get a copy of the January 12th Scene Magazine and look in the Classified section (p. 63).


Active Member
sounds good if u think its a bargin then go and buy it or just sell 300 bucks in homegrown and get it for free just sell one 0 for 3

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
I would snach that shit up If I were you! And you dimensions on your closet are 5' tall and 8' long? If so my flower room is that big and it is also 4 feet deep and I run two 1000w in there for flower so maybe pick up two of those bitches!

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
I would be running two 1000w lights in a flower room that big at least. I bough my 1000w setups used for $210 and I was excited as fuck! But the same setup that I got is $600 new so just compare the setup and research the product reviews on your setup you are looking into. GL brotha! ;)


Well-Known Member
the 1000w will help in the last few weeks for sure, this is when most weight is put on. for that space also consider using a light rail with the 1000w. 1/2 the cost (@$140), 1/2 the heat load to deal with, 1/2 the electrical consumption and the difference in yield is not that much (maybe 10-20%). <-comparing use of 2x 1000w


Well-Known Member
I would go for it. Having it convert from MH to HPS.You'll be popping out them budz in NO time..