Decriminalization of Marijuana.


Well-Known Member
The more and more i learn and discover about marijuana, the more i want to inform the misguided public. i know that seems to most one of the most dumb things to do. Seriously the world has to come around sooner or later. correct? i mean all of the benefits of marijuana use truly is proof that a medicinal plant does exist that can treat an array of disorders, diseases and cancers. to help the lives of the people who suffer. both mentally and physically. treatment by marijuana is proven to be more effective in most cases than conventional prescriptions.

For this reason i truly want to start a organization inside the state of Tennessee. ive searched and searched and havent found an actual program or organization inside tennessee to move towards the development of decriminalization of marijuana.

anyone on this site have any information that could send me in the right direction?



Well-Known Member
alright so i have contacted them via email today and now i will just wait for the reply again thanks for the info kp it led me right where i needed to go.


Well-Known Member
The best way to help marry get legal is informing the masis, hopefully the flower power generation will take offices soon.


New Member
uuhhhh... you'd think by now the generation of flower power would be old enough to be in office, making a change. the fact is, people like that want nothing to do with office.

they'll protest in numbers. but who the hell wants to work for the government? i think our best bet is to back NORML. they've been in the trenches, seriously, for long enough to have the greatest reach, and best methods.

but we really do need a person in office who is willing to fight, smartly, for this right. cannabis prohibition is illegal!!