Dehumidifier advice?


Active Member
I'm currently at 60% RH during veg with 2 week olds so I need to bring RH down. The basement I am working in is about 15X12X6 ft plus a 2 foot tall crawlspace about 20X20. How do I figure out what dehumidifier I need? Recommended for this size space? Trying to get the job done at low cost, loud not an issue.


Well-Known Member
It should have a suggested room size on the box. When i was lookinv for one, there were only 2 or 3 to choose from so it wasnt a hard choice. If you have a bigger res you wont have to dump it as often, or you can attach a hose to some and have it continuously draining.

If the humidity doesnt go above 60% you might not need one. If you run a dehumidifier, it will raise the temperature and the extra heat might do more harm than the humidity. My dehumidifier hasnt been used in about a year.


Well-Known Member
I have to remove over 3 gallons of water per 1000w hps during the most vigorous weeks of flower. the room is totally sealed with no intake or exaust. I also run a co2 burner which adds moisture.
I highly recommend a commercial unit like a sante fe or phoenix as they are rated at AHAM (80 F, 60%RH). residential duty dehu's are rated at saturation or 100%RH and perform far below their ratings when used at 50%.