Dehumidifier also unhotifier?


Well-Known Member
Now if you were to grow under the little room created by the stairs in a basement which is essentially a little triangle looking room that is closed on all sides except the back and also the "front" of the room slopes down to the floor you might have heat issues under a 400w HPS. If you also had a humidity problem then would a dehumidifier placed behind the plants near the slope help keep temps and humidity down or would the actual running of it heat things up? It is a piece of machinery so I am assuming it generates a bit of heat.


Well-Known Member
Also, whats stopping me from buying a cheap window mount AC and just sitting it in the room on low or near it and venting the cold air in. Nothing, amirite?


Well-Known Member
Also, whats stopping me from buying a cheap window mount AC and just sitting it in the room on low or near it and venting the cold air in. Nothing, amirite?

I have this same problem, except I am growing in a closet with NO ventilation, ya ya I know that's a big NO NO. I have the door open ALL the time because either I am home or my fiance is home because she works nights (hehe i know I'm lucky). I thought about the ac thing, but my electric bill is high enough and I am only using a 150watt hps and cfl's. When I have had to close my closet I haven't seen it more then 92 in there. I'm not sure what the point of this post was but o well