deleting account


Well-Known Member
Sorry to post here....I've looked all over this site about deleting my account and I cant find anything. Any help would be great.
Its too late you are already on the list the police has of all riu members!!! Paranoia is grrrrrreat!!!!!! :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I want out thread number #837 .

It aint happening guys,pm the admin of mods but ive yet to see anybody get their account wiped out,yes there are lots of other sites where you can delete your account but not this one.


why join just to have your very first post ever to be about deleting????

this is what is confusing me about this one....

you have no posts other than this one; what do you feel paranoid about, your email being tied to us?? what would we delete??


Well-Known Member
remeber when u tick the 'i agree' box. Well this is y u should read them man. It states that you may not delete your account AND from that point onwards RIU owns ur soul


New Member
I also would like to know, why would you set up an account and have your fist post be about deleting the account? This makes no sense..........


Well-Known Member
I have the information you need. Send me a check or Money order for $219.51 and will take care of it for you. Its all in the fine print of your contract. You did keep a copy of you Contract, Right????? Don't worry these things happen all the time. PM me for Mailing Adress.


Well-Known Member
ues i found this out the hard way if you want to get back at them just make a new accout every day


New Member
Get back at who? Who can you blame because you didn't read the terms of service before you agreed to them?

Blaming others for your own stupidity is rather childish, wouldn't you agree?

Jinx Jacko, you owe me a joint :wink:


Well-Known Member
Get back at who? Who can you blame because you didn't read the terms of service before you agreed to them?

Blaming others for your own stupidity is rather childish, wouldn't you agree?

Jinx Jacko, you owe me a joint :wink:
some one made this rule i was not being stupid i just did not think and yes why knot be able to get rid of your account what are they scared of i am shure its not to much programing to be able to do this. or if some one that mods should be able to do it for yosorry for being dumb on this matter


New Member
That's why you always read the terms of service before you agree to it. It is a contract. You wouldn't just scribble your name on a contract without reading it would you? If you would, I have some stuff over here for you to sign. :wink:


Well-Known Member
you cannot change user names and you are only allowed one account. slow down and chose your name wisely. :)
i stated way back in the beginning, "accounts cannot be deleted". i understand your position. if there is a "valid security compromise" then you can pm rollitup and he may help you. if it's legit. we get people all day long wanting to change names and accounts. if we let one person do it everyone will. what would happen if all the sudden i was "misterpickle"? i think it would confuse people. :-P

all account deletions or name changes must go thru rollitup, the actual person. :-P:weed:

hope this helps. :leaf:
straight from the source...