Democracy: Is there really such a thing?


Well-Known Member
Just want to hear your thoughts on democracy in the US. What is it, and do we have it? If we don't, should we? If we do, give some examples of democracy at work in the US.


Well-Known Member
when i do whatever i want to do to myself w/out putting anyone else in immeadiate danger, than i Believe that I should be able to do so

So can i do that in this "great" country?

NO!... there is no such thing as democracy anymore.

FDA that regulates are food, lets companies put perservatives in OUR food that contain carcinogens in them ( Alot of them I might add)

Not to mention the steroids that cow, pig, etc farm use to bulk up their meat.


ALL the members of RIU should buy an island and move there so we can govern our own state!

Theres are VERY intellegent people on this site .. so to start our own REAL community would be TITS!

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
Just want to hear your thoughts on democracy in the US. What is it, and do we have it? If we don't, should we? If we do, give some examples of democracy at work in the US.
"Democracy is a system of government in which either the actual governing is carried out by the people"

In my opinion, the corporations (AKA "the Man") - who control most the media outlets - and the special interests, have gangstered our government... and then there are all the czars (36 last I checked) who's power is questionable...

but as long as there is this little thing called the US constitution, we have the ability to replace the idiots in power, and take our government back, so there is Democracy.

Off point: I think it's hypocritical for our government to support non-democratic dictators... as they do in Egypt and the United Arab Emirates, and others; This is the real reason they want to destroy us; we help impose counterfeit Democracy across the globe.

I find myself leaning more towards libertarian views, but until the sheople stop drinking the kool Aid we won't see real change. Both the Democrats and the Republicans have failed us. :peace:


Well-Known Member
when i do whatever i want to do to myself w/out putting anyone else in immeadiate danger, than i Believe that I should be able to do so

So can i do that in this "great" country?

NO!... there is no such thing as democracy anymore.

FDA that regulates are food, lets companies put perservatives in OUR food that contain carcinogens in them ( Alot of them I might add)

Not to mention the steroids that cow, pig, etc farm use to bulk up their meat.


ALL the members of RIU should buy an island and move there so we can govern our own state!

Theres are VERY intellegent people on this site .. so to start our own REAL community would be TITS!

I think you're confusing democracy with personal freedom. Freedom is important, but let's stick to the topic at hand.


Well-Known Member
"Democracy is a system of government in which either the actual governing is carried out by the people"

In my opinion, the corporations (AKA "the Man") - who control most the media outlets - and the special interests, have gangstered our government... and then there are all the czars (36 last I checked) who's power is questionable...

but as long as there is this little thing called the US constitution, we have the ability to replace the idiots in power, and take our government back, so there is Democracy.

Off point: I think it's hypocritical for our government to support non-democratic dictators... as they do in Egypt and the United Arab Emirates, and others; This is the real reason they want to destroy us; we help impose counterfeit Democracy across the globe.

I find myself leaning more towards libertarian views, but until the sheople stop drinking the kool Aid we won't see real change. Both the Democrats and the Republicans have failed us. :peace:

Great perspective. +rep for you.

I'd venture to say that if corporations are the ones in power, then we don't have democracy - we have "corporatocracy". Does it really qualify as democracy if the representatives we elect are going to be primarily influenced by corporate payoffs rather than motivated by the will of their constituents?


Well-Known Member
NO .... but ok ....

Its all intertwined my friend.... Democracy is basically a country governed by the people .. so when the people do not have the power to change things .. its BOTH.....

I am not trying to argue w/you @ all .. im simply stating my pt .. and if u disagree .. then so be it .. do not be a stickler and try to put me out .


Well-Known Member
NO .... but ok ....

Its all intertwined my friend.... Democracy is basically a country governed by the people .. so when the people do not have the power to change things .. its BOTH.....

I am not trying to argue w/you @ all .. im simply stating my pt .. and if u disagree .. then so be it .. do not be a stickler and try to put me out .

yes, democracy should result in freedom - at least the freedom to influence government decisions (although, in actuality democracy is something afforded to the people BY its government - so it isn't really freedom at all if you think of it that way).

There are plenty of examples of supposedly "democratic" nations whose people aren't actually free. sure, they can vote, but they live in constant states of war, poverty, etc, which are all things that reduce personal freedom.

I'm not trying to be a stickler, I'm just saying that because there is a facade of democracy, doesn't mean the people have freedom.


Well-Known Member

I LOVE talking to intelligent people very much so!

It is so refreshing to talk to people that are not ignorant or arrogant, but insightful!

I have been on this for nearly 3yrs and have only had aproblem with one person that was very very childish and showed no sign of intellect...

Keep em' coming friend!


Well-Known Member

I LOVE talking to intelligent people very much so!

It is so refreshing to talk to people that are not ignorant or arrogant, but insightful!

I have been on this for nearly 3yrs and have only had aproblem with one person that was very very childish and showed no sign of intellect...

Keep em' coming friend!

Wow, 3 years and only one encounter? You're lucky!

I'm stuck in a web of idiocy over at the "obama is agianst (sic) potheads" thread. Dude is clearly just making things up in order to continue to argue with me. I had to pull out my +5 bullshit armor and Sword of Web Slashing, it's become THAT ridiculous.

anyway, hopefully some other people can add some insight to this discussion. I'm really interested in what everyone's perception of "democracy" is and whether or not they believe we have it here in the US.

+rep to you too, because freedom and democracy SHOULD go hand in hand.


Well-Known Member
i think democracy in america is faded. there is only the idea of choosing who stands on the podium. but when it comes down to it the government right now is looking out for big conglomo's interest more than our own. the idea that they were able to bankrupt themselves, and then go to the government to ask for money so they can pay bonuses to their officers sickens me.

it is very disturbing to know that anti-trust laws aren't being enforced. too big to fail companies still exist, so they can bankrupt themselves again and go to the tax payer for a bail out.... the media keeps circumventing the real issues that affect this country. they talk about a nation on the other side of the world as a huge threat. the US system is in danger, but it's not a bunch of arabs, it's a bunch of white, greedy, wealthy men riding in bentley's and flying private jets. those are the real enemy to freedom and to happiness, they are in fact stealing your money, AIG alone has more than 20,000 dollars per american. yet no one says anything, it just happens, and they took that money and spliced it up amongst themselves. now they're gonna want me to bail them out again, and congress will happily oblige....

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
Great perspective. +rep for you.

I'd venture to say that if corporations are the ones in power, then we don't have democracy - we have "corporatocracy". Does it really qualify as democracy if the representatives we elect are going to be primarily influenced by corporate payoffs rather than motivated by the will of their constituents?
"corporatocracy" Yes!

Reps back at ya lol :mrgreen:


New Member
Democracy = Majority Rule.

Democracy is the most evil form of government because the minority is not proteted from the majority.

Democracy: Four people are in a darkend, locked room. There are three men and one woman. A vote is taken to see if the woman should be raped. That's pure democracy in action.

This is why we have a representative republic and not a democracy.

Now, someone should relate the above to the Progressives in the audience. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Democracy = Majority Rule.

Democracy is the most evil form of government because the minority is not proteted from the majority.

Democracy: Four people are in a darkend, locked room. There are three men and one woman. A vote is taken to see if the woman should be raped. That's pure democracy in action.

This is why we have a representative republic and not a democracy.

Now, someone should relate the above to the Progressives in the audience. :lol:

I think you mean the Libertarians. Aren't they the ones who want a "true" democracy? Progressives just want more protection for that minority you mentioned.


Well-Known Member
"republic" does not somehow negate democracy. We can be a republic AND a democracy at the same time.

Iron Lion Zion

Well-Known Member
"republic" does not somehow negate democracy. We can be a republic AND a democracy at the same time.
No you can't. A Republic is based off of democratic values - even the little guy has a say; however, his say has to go through someone who he voted for because they shared the same ideals. The little guy no longer has any say whatsoever, and has to hope that his representative will stay true to what he said he would do.
Republic = An efficient way of practicing democracy, but it is not a democracy.

Are YOU getting to vote on Obama's Health Care reform? No.
Do YOU get to vote if your city gets to put in a new traffic light? No.
etc. etc.


Well-Known Member
No you can't. A Republic is based off of democratic values - even the little guy has a say; however, his say has to go through someone who he voted for because they shared the same ideals. The little guy no longer has any say whatsoever, and has to hope that his representative will stay true to what he said he would do.
Republic = An efficient way of practicing democracy, but it is not a democracy.

Are YOU getting to vote on Obama's Health Care reform? No.
Do YOU get to vote if your city gets to put in a new traffic light? No.
etc. etc.
There are different kinds of "democracy". The US is a representative democracy. We are also a republic, but that's because we don't have a monarchy. "Republic" can also refer to a communist state, not that we are in any way communistic, I say this only to illustrate the different meanings of the word.

No, I don't get to vote on the health care bill - we elect "representatives" based on what side of certain issues they are on and how we think they are likely to vote on issues that affect us. This is called "representative democracy".

Of course we all know this not really how our system of government works, but that is how its designed.

"republic" and "democracy" are terms applied to 2 completely different aspects of our government.


New Member
I think you mean the Libertarians. Aren't they the ones who want a "true" democracy? Progressives just want more protection for that minority you mentioned.
Nope. Libertarians want a federal government that is strictly controlled by the Constitution. Libertarians are for abolishing (not reducing) the IRS and the federal income tax code in it's entirety. Libertarians are for a return to honest money and the elimination of the Central Bank known as the Federal Reserve. Libertarians are for state's rights, free markets, free minds, liberty, freedom and individualism. Libertarians are for a republican form of government. Libertarians, for lack of a better term, are Jeffersonian liberals.

Iron Lion Zion

Well-Known Member
Of course we all know this not really how our system of government works, but that is how its designed.
I didn't have a say in how it was designed - how is that a democracy?
You can call it a "representative democracy" and while this accurately describes our government, the term itself is an oxymoron. You can't call anything an actual democracy unless everyone has a say in everything. Therefore, a "full-blown" democracy is not possible. How inefficient would it be for the entire nation to vote on every single bill, every single war, and every construction project?
In a full-blown democracy the media would rule everything (as it basically already does). Anything the head of a media corporation doesn't like, he could spin as evil. We already saw this with Obama. The uninformed masses (and no I am not saying if you voted for him you are ignorant or uninformed, I am simply saying Obama won his position based on publicity, not his policies) voted on him because they knew voting on him somehow meant "Change."

** I am in no way seeking to smash your intelligence or anything (like others here...). Just responding with how I see things.bongsmilie