Democrats voted to cut billions of dollars for public schools


Well-Known Member
California Republicans may be willing to trade breaks for businesses for tax hikes

By Mike Zapler

Mercury News

Posted: 11/27/2008 07:00:00 PM PST

SACRAMENTO — As the Legislature's latest attempt to fix the state's fiscal mess ended once again in a bout of partisan sniping and no visible progress, something surprising happened: Hints began to emerge of the possible contours of a compromise.
All year, Republicans have refused to consider raising taxes, without which Democrats and Republican Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger insist the state's massive deficit — $28 billion through mid-2010 — can't possibly be closed. At least a handful of GOP votes are needed because California law requires a two-thirds supermajority to raise taxes.
That opposition continued when the governor called lawmakers back to Sacramento this month for an emergency session of the Legislature to tackle the deficit. At the same time, Republican leaders began to signal that a deal might be negotiable — but at a price that would force Democrats to alienate some of their key supporters.
Specifically, GOP lawmakers are pressing for a slate of measures that they say would take the sting out of any tax increase. They include relaxing laws governing overtime and lunch breaks, easing environmental regulations for new land developments, and enacting tax credits to encourage job creation.
"Republicans truly believe that raising taxes will hurt the economy," said Jennifer Gibbons, a spokeswoman for Assembly Minority Leader Mike Villines, R-Fresno. "So for us to even consider raising taxes, we'd need to

know measures are being taken to mitigate" that.

Schwarzenegger sides with Republicans on the issue, calling in his latest budget proposal for a package of tax breaks, including one to help film and TV producers. But the governor also agrees with Democrats that higher taxes can't be avoided: His budget plan calls for a temporary boost in the sales tax, among other tax increases.
As negotiations resume next month, the GOP's demands are likely to take center stage. And what Republicans label economic stimulus, Democrats and liberal interests dismiss as handouts to businesses. The proposals, they argue, would do nothing to fix the state's fiscal crisis.
"It's a way to help corporations make a little more money," said Art Pulaski, executive secretary-treasurer of the California Labor Federation.
One GOP idea would ease the rules for when employers are required to pay overtime. Currently, hourly employees are entitled to time-and-a-half pay after eight hours in a day; the change would mandate overtime only if a person worked more than a certain number of hours over an entire pay period, say more than 40 hours over one week or more than 80 hours over two weeks.
"Let's ease off some of the regulations that make it tough to do business in California," Schwarzenegger said Tuesday evening.
Said Pulaski: "You can call it economic stimulus, but it's a pay cut for workers."
Republicans are also calling for a strict cap on state spending, so annual expenditures could grow by no more than about 5 percent each year. The proposal would have to be approved by voters, possibly in a special election next year.
"We have not shut down one program," Assemblyman Chuck DeVore, R-Irvine, said during one recent budget debate. "Everything grows, year after year, like clockwork."
Democrats call the spending-cap proposal a smoke screen to starve government programs of funding over time.
But as the state's fiscal crisis intensifies, pressure will likely mount to accede to at least some of the GOP demands. Already there is some sign of that: This week, Democrats voted to cut billions of dollars for public schools and aid to the needy in return for a tripling of the vehicle license fee, but the plan died in a near party-line vote.
"I don't know at what point this game of chicken ends," said Larry Gerston, a San Jose State University political science professor. "But clearly the cost of inaction is growing higher and higher."
The budget deficit has soared to $28 billion through mid-2010. California may be forced to issue IOUs in the spring, lacking cash to pay some of its bills. The state unemployment fund is on course to run dry early next year thanks to rising layoffs.
In one sign of how serious the situation has become, state finance officials have been meeting recently to discuss to whom they can issue IOUs should the state's cash reserve get too low. If legislators continue their standoff into the spring, the state may not be able to make payroll at the start of the next fiscal year in July, said Mike Genest, the governor's finance director.
"It's beyond frustrating and truly sad to see the great state of California brought to this," Genest said in an interview. "There's only so much we can do to delay the day of reckoning and we're just about out of tricks. We need the Legislature to act."
Lawmakers will soon have another chance. On Tuesday, the governor said he will call another special session in December, when the next class of legislators will be sworn in.
"It has to be done now," Schwarzenegger said, "because we are running out of cash."

So you mean to tell me that in the entire state of California there is not a single thing that can be cut out of the state budget except billions from public schooling and aid to the needy? I thought dems were all for aid for the needy. And what is gonna happen to the US budget if or when these representatives of the Socialist Republic of Kalifornia get positions on a federal level? These Kalifornia dems are fighting to increase taxes on Californians instead of taming there spending. Typical democrats :D


New Member
You guys are terminally ill. Giving tax breaks to corporations and cutting child welfare are not the solution, although this is and always has been the Republican way. Sick, sick, sick!


Well-Known Member
WHAT?? WHAT THE FUCK is this?? Our state debt has DOUBLED since Arnold's taken office, and the answer to that problem ISN'T to cut out the fat, but to [finally?] start raising our taxes? Oh, great, bye bye more business. :roll: Except, of course, Hollywood, because we all know that we need Hollywood.

This is all SO nicely rounded out by Californians' marked propensity to just pass ballot measures that will cost us millions, if not BILLIONS, willy nilly, with not a care in the fucking world about how IT'S GONNA BE PAID FOR, JEEZUS HORATIO CHRIST! Just look at all this!
Yeah, you assholes, let's just keep piling it on. :roll:


New Member
This is what happens to every socialist system ever started. There is just so many eggs the Golden Goose can lay.

If the Governor gets his way on the increased sales tax, people purchasing anything in Los Angeles County will be faced with a 10.5% sales tax. The logical thing for L.A. residents to do, would be to cross over into Ventura or San Bernardino Counties to shop. Hey, if you can save 2% on a major purchase, like a car or appliances, wouldn't you cross over those county lines? So, who suffers? First the merchants. Second, the people who work for those merchants.

Assemblyman Tom McClintock has recommended billions of cuts over the years that would balance the state budget without much pain at all. Just eliminating duplicate services would be a big step. Enforcing our immigrant laws would be a huge step in the right direction.

Why are we educating the children of people who are here illegally? Why are we providing free medical services to these people? Why are we creating incentives for them to come here? Why have we passed city ordinances in Los Angeles and San Francisco that prevent the police from questioning anyone's legal status? Why are University presidents in the UC system and their staffs making the large salarys they do?

Here's some of McClintock's proposals:

California has been run by Democrats for years now. With the gerrymandering of the past, its impossible to get an incumbent politician out of office. That will change now with the recent proposition passed in the last election. Good riddance! They have all but destroyed what was once a state of such opportunity that it was called "The Golden State."



Well-Known Member
You guys are terminally ill. Giving tax breaks to corporations and cutting child welfare are not the solution, although this is and always has been the Republican way. Sick, sick, sick!
terminally ill?

is english your first language? really?

actually im against all forms of welfare, corporate and childrens


Well-Known Member
You guys are terminally ill. Giving tax breaks to corporations and cutting child welfare are not the solution, although this is and always has been the Republican way. Sick, sick, sick!
Med man the problem is that you are the one that is terminally ill. You fail to understand that in the end it is the end consumer, the employee, or the shareholders of those corporations that pay those taxes.

When we tax corporations all we do is hide the taxes from ourselves, and still end up paying for it. If a corporation decides to let a person go because of tax increases is the person that they terminated not the one that is ultimately paying for the increased taxes? If the same corporation raises prices to cover increased taxes are the end consumers not the ones that are paying those taxes then? If a corporation cuts its dividend payments to its shareholders due to having less money are not its shareholders the ones paying the taxes?

Do you really think that there is any way to pass a tax that is not ultimately paid for by the end consumer, because if you do, you are the one that is terminally ill, and needs to have your critical thinking ability questioned.

As far as tax cuts for private corporations versus child welfare benefits. I'll take the tax cuts for private corporations, as those are likely in the long run to be of benefit to more people with a reduction in the Cost of Living.

I find that I must reiterate my stance that this entire rotten system rests on our monetary supply, which is a worthless piece of paper that says nothing more than the government owes you. Ironically, what it neglects to say is that the government has long ago taken the thing that it owes you (which was gold or silver) out of the dollar, and left the government owes you part. So our currency went from being a Government owes you a quantity of gold or silver to a government owes you (nothing). Fake money, fraudulent banking, and a government that cant balance its budget if its life depended on it.

Ironically, the solution to California's crisis, I suspect is similar to the solution for a private individual. Cut one's expenses drastically to remain out of debt. Once again we return to the fact that what is not good for individuals is not good for governments either.


New Member
I find that I must reiterate my stance that this entire rotten system rests on our monetary supply, which is a worthless piece of paper that says nothing more than the government owes you. Ironically, what it neglects to say is that the government has long ago taken the thing that it owes you (which was gold or silver) out of the dollar, and left the government owes you part. So our currency went from being a Government owes you a quantity of gold or silver to a government owes you (nothing). Fake money, fraudulent banking, and a government that cant balance its budget if its life depended on it.
Very well said, TBT! :)

Most Americans have never thought to question their money or it's source. One of the most enlightening things I've ever read regarding money pointed out that the money we carry is a Federal Reserve NOTE. A "note" is a debt instrument, just like a note on one's car or one's home. Federal Reserve "Notes" are borrowed into existence ... at interest. A Federal Reserve Note is nothing more than a check that doesn't need an endorsement.

That, in a nutshell, is the scam of central banking.


Doctor Pot

Well-Known Member
Very well said, TBT! :)

Most Americans have never thought to question their money or it's source. One of the most enlightening things I've ever read regarding money pointed out that the money we carry is a Federal Reserve NOTE. A "note" is a debt instrument, just like a note on one's car or one's home. Federal Reserve "Notes" are borrowed into existence ... at interest. A Federal Reserve Note is nothing more than a check that doesn't need an endorsement.

That, in a nutshell, is the scam of central banking.

Oh god, here we go again. Don't we have enough threads on this subject?


New Member
Why are we educating the children of people who are here illegally? Why are we providing free medical services to these people? Why are we creating incentives for them to come here? Why have we passed city ordinances in Los Angeles and San Francisco that prevent the police from questioning anyone's legal status? Why are University presidents in the UC system and their staffs making the large salarys they do?

Vi, who would mow your lawn, work for 50% less, clean your house, build your houses, pick the crops for peanuts. I get the reason they are here, a better life. The other reason they are here are the greedy shop and business owners that employ them at below standard wages, and no benefits, then threaten them with deportation if they bitch


New Member
Why are we educating the children of people who are here illegally? Why are we providing free medical services to these people? Why are we creating incentives for them to come here? Why have we passed city ordinances in Los Angeles and San Francisco that prevent the police from questioning anyone's legal status? Why are University presidents in the UC system and their staffs making the large salarys they do?

Vi, who would mow your lawn, work for 50% less, clean your house, build your houses, pick the crops for peanuts. I get the reason they are here, a better life. The other reason they are here are the greedy shop and business owners that employ them at below standard wages, and no benefits, then threaten them with deportation if they bitch
1. I don't have a lawn.

2. Teen agers.

3. I clean my own house.

4. They need to change their governmental system in Mexico instead of fucking our's up.

5. Fine businesses that hire illegals. Second offense ... jail.

End of discussion.
