Diablo OG In Dual Monster Plant System


Active Member
love the system man.....i need some help though. im new to the forum and noones answering my posts, i have some HUGE sativas that need support but i dont know how to go about it. is it too late to scrog(10 days into flower) id appriciate any help. plz check out my thread too


Well-Known Member
It's rare that I go back to the same OG more than once. Have you ever wondered what the best marijuana in the world looks like? Wonder no longer. You would not believe how 70's music sounds on this shit.

It's more than just the bolts of energy you get... a few hours after smoking the Pheno A, you just stop and realize how incredibly high you still are. The level of euphoria, that indescribable happy feeling, is amazing with this stuff. I really feel good right now. I wish we could all get together in a room and smoke this. It would be a love-fest. Lol.


Well-Known Member
love the system man.....i need some help though. im new to the forum and noones answering my posts, i have some HUGE sativas that need support but i dont know how to go about it. is it too late to scrog(10 days into flower) id appriciate any help. plz check out my thread too
Get those sativas under control! I replied to your thread.

kevin murphy

New Member
nice couple of nuggets there lol...
It's rare that I go back to the same OG more than once. Have you ever wondered what the best marijuana in the world looks like? Wonder no longer. You would not believe how 70's music sounds on this shit.

It's more than just the bolts of energy you get... a few hours after smoking the Pheno A, you just stop and realize how incredibly high you still are. The level of euphoria, that indescribable happy feeling, is amazing with this stuff. I really feel good right now. I wish we could all get together in a room and smoke this. It would be a love-fest. Lol.


Well-Known Member
nice couple of nuggets there lol...
There isn't anything terribly extraordinary about their appearance. They pretty much look just like any other solid OG. But it's when you cut or grind these nugs that you see (smell) the difference. And when you take that first hit, the incredibly precise flavor immediately let's you know why it's so darned expensive.
Okay, heres a few boring questions for you! I am interested in the overall height of your 'duel' system and also what height have the plants achieved? Also, would there be any benefit in a deeper reservoir for additional root growth either above or below nutrient level?


Well-Known Member
Okay, heres a few boring questions for you! I am interested in the overall height of your 'duel' system and also what height have the plants achieved? Also, would there be any benefit in a deeper reservoir for additional root growth either above or below nutrient level?
At least you're not asking me what I do for a living... Now THAT would be boring...Lol!
The overall height of my cab is like somewhere between 72"-74", I forget exactly, but you get the idea. The tallest cola is about 35"-37" inches from surface of tub (an estimate based upon an earlier measurement, but they haven't stretched much or at all since, so it's pretty accurate).

The deeper reservoir question. What makes your line of questioning far from boring is that very, very excellent question. I chose a deeper reservoir for that exact reason. I knew I wanted to create that 'hanging garden' feel with much roots exposed to air (the sprayer system needs lots of room to spray around as well), so I chose a very deep tub that would allow for a good amount of water in the bottom of the res, but still lots of free air space for root hang which is intended to be nourished by fluid sprayers mounted on pvc plumbing. This works out great for me because I just grow two large plants instead of more numerous smaller plants. Not that this kind of setup wouldn't be great for lots of smaller plants, but if you're gonna do that, I wouldn't grow them all in the same container like this, but in separate bubble buckets as many of the other fine hydro growers at RIU do.

But YES, that 'hanging garden' effect on the roots results in monstrous plant growth. Peace.
Thanks for the response, I wasnt sure I would get one given its my very first post!. I admit to being seduced by the initial training on the system to reduce overall height which allows the desired 'hanging garden' feel. If it provides a little more generous space for lights too that has to be a huge bonus! The hybrid is also a lot more forgiving in the case of powercuts etc. This definately floats my boat! Going to re read all posts for more specifics but may be back to pick your brains on system design... :-)


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the response, I wasnt sure I would get one given its my very first post!. I admit to being seduced by the initial training on the system to reduce overall height which allows the desired 'hanging garden' feel. If it provides a little more generous space for lights too that has to be a huge bonus! The hybrid is also a lot more forgiving in the case of powercuts etc. This definately floats my boat! Going to re read all posts for more specifics but may be back to pick your brains on system design... :-)
You're welcome. I don't judge posters by number of posts. Some of the most skilled growers don't post much, and some of the most unskilled newbs post a heck of a lot, giving them a higher user rank which really doesn't mean anything in terms of grow skill.


Well-Known Member

I think I got slightly better macros this time. This bud could easily waltz down the aisle at the Cannabis Cup.

Note the tiny quantities I've been acquiring at a time. The fact that it's a bit higher priced is offset nicely by its potency. Even a monster stoner like me needs just a little of this to get super baked. To give you an idea of the kind of guy I am, after a harvest, I have the tolerance of an adult Rhino. During 'in-between' periods, I have the tolerance of a juvenile rhino. So if it takes just one hit to get ME flying high, I would imagine this shit could be dangerous to a rookie toker.


Active Member
hey dude thanks for the sub! rep+ for sure not many ppl seem interested. do u top them b4 u scrog them?


Well-Known Member
hey dude thanks for the sub! rep+ for sure not many ppl seem interested. do u top them b4 u scrog them?
If by topping you mean actually cutting tops off, no. I simply tie the main branch down hard while it's still small and let it grow lying down.

Also, I would suggest putting a link to your grow as your signature every time you post. That's probably part of the reason you're not getting as many views. You should even put one of your best pictures as a tiny thumbnail in your sig.


Well-Known Member
man u really luv pheno a huh???lol
Its all about the bottle ....without that bottle it would just be ....well .... one of a million pieces of dank laying around at a random colective...lol..jk...
Looks nice... I been chiefing some xxx og , madman og, legend og.... id reccomend those one.. my favorites at the momment....

Keep up the nice work bro ..... and come peep out my journal.....
I have some supper high rez macro shots of my previous grow..peep


Well-Known Member
man u really luv pheno a huh???lol
Its all about the bottle ....without that bottle it would just be ....well .... one of a million pieces of dank laying around at a random colective...lol..jk...
Looks nice... I been chiefing some xxx og , madman og, legend og.... id reccomend those one.. my favorites at the momment....

Keep up the nice work bro ..... and come peep out my journal.....
I have some supper high rez macro shots of my previous grow..peep
No, no... I know what you're thinking. I know exactly what you mean by those 'millions and millions of dank nugs laying around a collective.' This is different, and it's more than the fact that they already have them pre-measured on a little silver tray on top of the main counter... LOL. This stuff is evil. It's the kind of shit that makes you feel like you're having an adventure just walking down to the post office on the corner. LOL. And I smoke all those top shelf OG's all the time... a different kind every three days or so. This Pheno A (or this particular cut of it) is La Bamba.


Well-Known Member
I wonder what you could do with a few clones of THAT pheno. Looks mighty tasty!

I'm alternating with Blackberry Kush right now. Just woke up from a nap and hit some of that. It's pretty awesome. The Blackberry and Pheno A are way better than peanut butter and jelly...

If I could ever get my hands on clones from the line this bud came from I would spare no expense in creating the ultimate generational harvest system.