Did I Create Feminized Seeds?

ArrOgNt RocKstAR

Well-Known Member
A mature Female plant of mine had polinated another mature female plant.

Creating great bud with a few nice seeds.

There are no other plants around, so i assume at least one of the Female plants had hermied.

So are these seeds Feminized?

I dont bother poping regular seeds due to lack of space.:joint:


Well-Known Member
its funny when people see a couple nanners and flip out....for me thats a bonus....i dont have to shop for seeds then.......i can understand culling out a female with nanners all over but just a couple here and there....fkn awesom....but yes if the plant was feminized and threw nanners your chances for nanners on the harvested seeds just went up....keep your environment in the perfect zone and pump full on N during veg and you lower your chances of herms