Did I Damage My Girls Beyond Hope???


Well-Known Member
Ok, this is a double post but Plant problems doesn't get looked at as much as Newbies and I am freaking out!

PH was a little high so I decided to go with the Vinegar Method. I PHd the water before I used it and it was 6.

I watered them (They were even due for watering so no problems there) went to the store and came home to this craziness!!! 2 are fine, 2 look like this! I Don't know what the hell to do!!!!

Hubby wants to go ahead and move them into their final pots.

I am guessing I shoulda bought the PH down instead of using vinegar and will from now on don't you worry but I need to help the babies now!

Hubby was given a 150 w Metal Halide set up today for $10, should I put them under the MH and take them out from under the CFLS?
Just leave them alone? Flush? Something? Transplant them??? ANything????

HELP!!! This happened in a matter of hours!!!!!!!!!!!



Well-Known Member
Also, hubby read somewhere that leaving them in constant llight can help them recover, I don't remember reading this anywhere.... Whatcha Think?????


Active Member
i've never heard to leave them in light to recover. i've always kept mine in darkness or shade outside when something like this happens, more light could cause the plant to dry out faster. i'd water it and put it in complete darkness for sometime.

i would put them in a larger pot, with new soil. the best way to transplant is to water the plant down & tip it upside down, have the larger pot ready with the new soil & simply put the plant & old soil in the larger pot, the plant will react fast with the new soil & larger pot

do not damage any roots! the plants looks stressed out enough

good luck, let me know hows it turns out

regular tap water from the sink is perfect! let it set for 24 hours for the akiline to disolve. also rain water works great! do not add vinegar to the water, i never check my ph in my water, its 90% good all the time


Well-Known Member
U should have seen these plants this AM. They were gorgeous and Healthy!!!!! UUGGG! I am stressed! Just found out the MH my hubby got today is a complete 1000w hydro system!!!! If I wasnt so stressed I'd be tickled shitless!