Did I destroy my girl?


Well-Known Member
I have a girl about 7 weeks into flower and last night I went to pull off one of the lower branches. One of those branches that has little tiny buds that never really develop. I ended up pulling a pretty good sized chunk out of the stem. Stupid mistake, and I had a freaking pair of scissors sitting right next to me. Anyways, will she repair herself or did I just screw up the past three months worth of work/waiting?


Well-Known Member
Been there, done that.....it will repair itself. It just might take some of that bud growing energy during its repair but if your plant is healthy it might not skip a beat. What strain is almost ready after 7 wks?


Well-Known Member
Afghan Kush Special. By almost ready, I mean maybe another two, possibly three weeks. That's just a guess really, as I haven't started checking trichs yet. But after waiting a couple months, I consider a couple weeks to be pretty close to finished.