Did i ruin my crop?


I have 11 plants growing. In the last 2-3 days I found that 3 of them of definite males. My burnt out self decided to pick a pollen sack off to see if it was a seed. It burst between my fingertips, just one baby pod. These preflowers def weren't there 3-4 days ago and are just forming. I touched some a few of my female plants after( i did wipe my fingers off) but I was picking dead leafs off. Could the male preflower pollinate my females this early from my fingertip? Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. I would l ove to save the 4-5 females i have left without any trouble. I have 2 more that I can't tell yet on the sex aswell. But I pulled the 2 sure males, what are my odds?


Well-Known Member
im not sure, but my guess is that it was premature pollen, but if you did pollinate them, the pistils will be changing brown pretty quick and i even think once pollinated the pistil will receed. so if this hasnt happened yet you should be alright.


don't pistols brown up as the plant gets older? the older pistols i mean. Cuz almost all my plants with pistols have browned on the inside of the plant and towards the bottom. other than that, thank you thats great news to hear if it was premature pollen


Well-Known Member
yes you can pollinate your girls off your fingers. When you get pollen falling out of a male stamen, it sticks to stuff easy, and rides around on ya. I have had pollen stick to my shirt and brush against my females and pollinate the hell outta them. It only takes a tiny little bit of pollen to make a shitload of seeds. Good luck


Well-Known Member
very true they do as they mature, but it happens much differently with a pollination. like days instead of months...lol

but yes people even cut their pollen with flour, thats how potent the stuff is.

but he is talking about an immature pollen sack, it would seem too me that would make all the difference right there.


Well-Known Member
I don't think the pollen was premature. He said the balls burst when he touched em' and I have pulled pollen balls that were unopened off a plant and squeezed it and got pollen out that was viable, so it's possible the pollen was good.


i don't understand how i missed it. i see them 3-4x a week. I check for that shit every day and then today i go out and see bushels of little pods growing where pistols should be. its depressing really because i swear i seen pistols on them a week ago. dunno if thats even possible but they looked like pistols to me.


and can anyone show me a good picture of females beginning to flower? My biggest one is starting to show something but i can't tell if it's nuts or not. It almost looks like it but there's 1-2 pistol-like hairs coming from them.


Well-Known Member
if there is more than one spade looking balls on one side of the node then it is a male, if it is thin white hairs it is female. also there will only be one calyx at each side of each node with two hairs coming out.


damn, im assuming its a male but how long can i wait to pull it? I wanna be sure cuz its 6 ft tall and i cant even wrap my arms around it. this is disturbing news :(


Well-Known Member
i believ what ur seeing are calyxs not balls if u see pistils its most likely a fem, unless its hermie, id post a pic and get a second opiniond be4 u go rippin it up


Well-Known Member
i say fuck it, let it pollinate it, ull get a shit ton of seeds for next year, how much do you pay for 10 seeds? think about it