Did I transplant too late?


Well-Known Member
I just built a rubbermaid growbox and transplanted my month old plants into some bigger pots. I knew I needed to transplant about a week ago, but just got around to it. When I turned the original pot upside down to get out the plant, all the roots were at the bottom of the pot in a circular formation. It looks like they couldn't go any deeper so they just went around the bottom of the pot. When I transplanted, I tried to straighten out the roots and get them untangled the best I could without ripping or tearing them. Words of wisdom for the first-time grower anyone?


New Member
If you were carefull during transplant they will be fine. That is normal and a good sign as big roots mean big yield! It may take them a few days to recover this is normal!


Well-Known Member
When I transplanted, I tried to straighten out the roots and get them untangled the best I could without ripping or tearing them. Words of wisdom for the first-time grower anyone?
Yeah, next time don't disturb the roots :) Let nature do it's thing, they don't need that kind of help, they can do it themselves!

Plants hate having their roots disturbed - it stresses them out.