Did Your App Get Rejected?


Active Member
I was thinking it may be helpful if anyone can share Experiences of getting rejected. IE wrong address or mispelled info....anything to help folks refer to.


Well-Known Member
I have not personally heard of any denied apps, but the LARA stats say:

  • 28,226 applications denied -- most due to incomplete application or missing documentation. (9-30-12)


Well-Known Member
Is this an app for a medicinal card or like am iPhone app because as far as getting rejected I herd there is an app for that


Well-Known Member
We have fucked up a few of our first apps. They have forms, where they mark the mistakes you make, and you fix it, re-send it. No biggie. Even way back in the olden days, when the state was way behind, money cashing guy, and proof-reader have always worked hard.


Well-Known Member
I got a good one. Old lady got denied but they had already cashed the $ order. Reason for denial was supposedly that she didn't include enough $, even though $ was all there. She was able to finally get ahold of someone by email and they said the real reason was she forgot a copy of her ID. Our.fault entirely, but why was m.o. cashed before the situation was resolved. And why did they give her wrong reason for denial. Wierd.


Active Member
why was m.o. cashed before the situation was resolved
It's the government, they cash everything ASAP before they
even look over the paperwork. Accepted or rejected, it doesn't
matter, the check/mo will get cashed. Most rejections are
based on bullshit technicalities and people will get their cards
without paying anymore money as soon as the problem is
rectified. Usually quickest way for people is to send in the
denial form letter they send (they send one certified and
one regular) along with the corrections they want.

If someone changes their mind about wanting to get a card
after being rejected but having their check/mo cashed; they
simply need to send a letter to the MMMP people to let them
know that they want a refund of their money.

The wrong reason for denial is bulllshit on their part. My guess
is that they sent the standard form letter about being short on
money even the problem had nothing to do with money. Someone
made a clerical error and instead of sending a letter telling your
woman they just needed a copy of id, they fucked up and sent the
wrong form letter. It sucks, but with all that paperwork they deal
with, its bound to happen from time to time.

I've had a few minor problems before and they all got fixed very
quickly via email. They people doing the email seemed very friendly
and helpful. The phone number on their website is worthless but
email is better anyway because if there ever was a lapse in med
cards and a legal problem at the same time (very unlikely but possible),
peoples email records could show that they were doing everything
possible to stay within the scope of the law.
