Diesel Ryder under two 42w CFL


Well-Known Member
thats amazing, how do they flower after 1-3 weeks!! the plant must not ever get that big then and you wouldnt be able to get more than a quarter or half ounce from it. or is there a secret?


Active Member
I HOPE THE POLLEN SET! and i have like a dozen seeds. sorry they are not for sale. :D i am out of town and will be back sunday. so i promise to update! and as soon as i get back...TIMBER!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
These pics were taken today, before i shut off the lights for good. she'll sit in the darkness until tomorrow night when i chop and hang her. i've heard having the plant sit in darkness for a day before you chop it makes the THC boost a little, and it's less time for dry and cure. because during the dark period, most hormones and nutrients are stored in the roots. Therefore once cut the bud has that much less to dry out?? Lemme know if that's true...

More pics soon (with trim pics and weight!) :leaf:



Active Member
I CUT HER MONDAY NIGHT! Total so far is 18 grams, just weighed her. After two days of drying..will she lose any more precious weight off her?


Well-Known Member
I CUT HER MONDAY NIGHT! Total so far is 18 grams, just weighed her. After two days of drying..will she lose any more precious weight off her?
You're going to lose up to 75% wet weight in drying. Hard but thats how it goes. Main thing is the DR produces a fine smoke, but the very nature of autos means they simply can't mature enough pre flowering to produce heavy buds. Thing is to do lots of them! Also as said above there seems to be 2 distinct phenos of DR, one tall and one short like yours.

Enjoy what you have there, I bet she stinks bad :-) I know mine did last year, real potent smell and great hit.


Well-Known Member
So what you get dry. I was thinking you got about 5grams dry. Could do with growing about 16 of those little ones for good yield.


Active Member
Right now she's 12 grams. and i bet she'll be around 7 or 10 (hopefully). yeah a bunch would be great. i hope i get seeds so i can start some indoors and move just on my porch.


Well-Known Member
How's she looking? The leaves droop at the end. She's about 6 weeks old. The Light schedule is 14/10. And there is a CFL on both sides of the plant. I'm very proud of her she is the first female from 8 seeds (7 males). This Diesel is about 7 or 8 inches.

dam one out of 8 female is a crappy ratio.. Sorry for that but hey you got one hell of a nice little lady.. i have three dwarf poisons in right now... going strong