Difference between Sativa and Indica, Chemically?


Active Member
Why is that Sativa's are more of an upper, and Indica's better for knockout? They both contain THC and other cannibinoids, but what sets them apart? Why do they flower differently (other than original location)? I understand the difference between them, but what I do not understand is the science behind it. I would really appreciate a good answer as to why the highs are different.


Well-Known Member
well how they plant grows and how the plant looks is its phenotype . the plants genetic make up like sativa or indica is its genotype. google it it will make sense


Weed Modifier
Different levels of thc/cann. in strains, Sativas take longer to ripen. thc more head high, cann. more couchlock.


Weed Modifier
Depends on strain and how You grow it! It is not a science as more an art.
Too many factors to say one is better than the other light, space, time, nutes etc,,....,.......


Well-Known Member
from my years of smoking dope i have come to realize that hybrids have the highest thc levels, also no pure indica or sativa is considered a medical strain. this leads me to the answer that selective breeding between the families of cannabis result in a better product.


Weed Modifier
See grow the 2 in question and see for yourself and then you can tell us which is better....lol.


Active Member
i think the cbd content and all the other canibanoids (<-- typo im sure) including thc can vary chemicaly so they produce different effects but i could be very wrong. This is a great question thank you for asking and im exited to hear the other opinions.


Weed Modifier
Looks good, but does it really matter how it is spelled? cannnanancnaiiavbbiiniioi00ds j/k
just fn around.


Well-Known Member
Hehe - im interested in this too. As written earlier in the thread the sativa matures pretty slow compared to indicas which could be the case of the trichomes too. This might make us harvest sativas whilst trichomes are still pretty milky and still not amber.
Another thing could be the production of CBD. Maybe indicas produce more CBD than sativas? - looking forward to getting the answer from a botanist ;O))