Different effects of different strains? Anxiety, Panic, etc. Please Help


Well-Known Member
Hi guys, I've already completed one grow but i have my girlfriend is a little wary of smoking because she once had an experience with non-homegrown weed.

We were smoking for a few days already, one night she woke up in the middle of the night and took a hit which caused a sensation of swelling in the head (brain I guess) and her lips, like numb and swollen.

She is now afraid of smoking anything significant but is still able to tolerate being near me or taking second hand.

Anyway, my question is if this is just a concern of that specific 'suppliers' faulty weed. Or if it is a matter of strain that could present certain issues with certain people.

I have gooten a vaporizer to prevent any contaminants passing during smoking but am waiting for it in the mail. It was an idea we had to maybe allow her to smoke.

My personal guess is just contaminants or just chemicals not dried out or flushed correctly in the one she got effected by.

My grow is clean and I try to tell her but she needs some more information or advice. If you know anyone I can call to get an answer please let me know (doctors, etc.).

Thank you.


Well-Known Member
diffrent strains of weed can do all kinds of diff effects, sounds like a strong indica she had it makes my briain fele like its all squishy and really big

Medi user

Active Member
Your brain is in a different state while asleep, as long as she is awake it is unlikely to have the same effect. Some very strong and sativa strains can increase anxiety / paranoia, indicas give more couch lock and sedation.

If she has a small smoke I would be surprised by any bad effects, and those that did wouldn't last long, but it is her choice at the end of the day.


Well-Known Member
yea or you got some laced weed

some asshole sold me some weed laced with crack after i blazed it i could tell. but i dislike crack. heavily. so i blazed some dust to get over the restlessness from laced weed.. faulty dealers lol i went back and punched the asshole in the face and took back my 5


Well-Known Member
So is it clear to say that she would not be getting an anxiety sensation from smoking an indica couch-lock type w/ sedation?

I've read of a few people smoking long term and one day their body is unable to handlesmoking marijuana anymore due to some anxiety, recurring panic attacks, physical issues, etc.

She wants to be sure that she can continue smoking without this occuring down the road.

I personally think if she would stick with something that works and be able to depend on it then it's possible. If getting it from unreliable sources then it could become risky.

Thank you.

Medi user

Active Member
marijuana is a psychoactive drug, and each person is an individual with individual life experience. I find if I get in the habit of smoking regularly, although it helps with pain I tend to get demotivated. So I stop for a while and go back on the painkillers/sedatives.

Some people are more sensitive to the effects, similar to alcohol. If your friend is generally sensible I don't see a problem with occasional use, but if she is running away from major life issues by getting stoned all the time, this will end in sadness.

with unreliable supplies, and the vagaries of life, a bit of common sense should be all that is needed to deal with this, but if she starts getting unusual symptoms then stop for a few days and see if they resolve.

(I am not a doctor)