Digital Grow Journal using Google Docs, Ideas? Suggestions?


I've been using Google Documents for my grow journal, I have setup a spreadsheet and chart's for tracking various aspects of growth, health and changes. I'd like to hone my spreadsheet and release it as a public template anybody can use for their grow journals. I've also setup a private google site with my spreadsheet and update forms integrated so I can update the journal easy.

Right now the template consists of 4 sheets. The main sheet is a "Dashboard" that displays gadgets for tracking progress as well as displaying the data in a user-friendly way.

Here's a pic...

I came up with some fun terminology for various aspects of the plant maturation cycle, Each stage (Such as Vegging, or Flowering) is called an Operation, Which I gave some silly names, I felt needed a biblical touch since it is my intention to play god.

Operation Genesis: The germination or maturation of clones.

Operation Babel: The Vegetative stage.

Operation Eve: The clipping of clones.

Operation Eden: The Flowering Stage.

Operation Exodus: The harvesting and processing.

Ok, now that I've cleared that up, I'd like to touch on what data is exactly being collected. On the second "Sheet" in the spreadsheet, The Operation's are listed with their starting and ending dates, This helps you keep track of how old a plant is, as well as helps you plan out when you want to flower...take clones..ect. As well as having a starting and ending date, it has a progress indicator you can adjust that will show up on the calender. This is useful if you need to adjust dates accordingly if your plants are growing too slow or fast.

This sheet contains the names and various observations of individual plants. The data being collected as of now is:
  • Date of Observation
  • Plant being observed
  • Height of Plant
  • Width of Plant
  • Amount of flowers on plant
  • Amount of Leaves on plant
  • Amount of "nodes"
  • Current stage of maturation (operation)

I know more data should be collected if you have any idea's on what should be added please comment.

Progress updates are added by simply filling out the form shown below.

What updating that form does is add an entry to the progress datasheet, which is connected to a graph on the display sheet, showing a easy to understand readout of your plants current progress.

This sheet simply tracks changes made to plants, the date they are made and to which plant the changes apply.

This was the best I could come up with for a grow diary, If anybody has anything better or could suggest ways I can improve this one, It's for the community, as I will post it here for anybody to use when it's done as well as make it a public google doc's template. Hope this idea helps
I think this is a great idea. I'd like to download your template to use as a start but I think I'll add a little more technical data collection to my copy. I like keeping track of plant varieties and details such as sativa/indica, Ph levels, light/dark cycles, nutrients and temps.

Let us know when you post to Google docs and what the template is named.



Active Member
Wow very impressive. Your plants must look really nice if you are this methodical. I agree with BigColdMartini about adding another sheet for technical data but I think that can be added by each person that uses the template. Great job.