Dirty DWC Roots


Well-Known Member
I have some dirty roots in my DWC setup. I changed the water a week ago and there was no algae of any sort developing on the roots, but then again, there weren't as many roots then... I have been told that treating the water with hydrogen peroxide will fix the issue, what amount can be used safely? and will this effect the plants health?


Active Member
I wouldn't go to walgreens for the HP. Use a good botanical grade hydrogen peroxide from your Hydroponics dealer... Your deal would also be better to advise you as they will be more familiar with problems occuring in your regon/water. B


Well-Known Member
it could be the nutes dyeing them I used earth juice and my roots turned brownish. Hydrogen peroxide is hydrogen peroxide. The type used for growing is just less concentrated. Dilute and use away. Peroxide kills bacteria ( the good and bad kind) so don't add stuff like pirannah or taranchula ( spelled wrong) in it)