Disappointed in my autoflower seedlings.


Well-Known Member
So I have some Paradise Pandora's I ordered. Germinated three of them and started them in Happy Frog. I have started all my seeds of various strains in Happy Frog in the past with absolutely no problems.....as some people say it is kinda hot. This is my 3rd season using it. Well, anyway the seedlings broke through the surface about and inch and began to die or not grow at all after about 9 days. Here is a thread I have with some pictures. Not sure why the pictures are sideways !


So, I figured I would take the loss on these three, and transplanted them as delicately as I could into some jiffy mix, which is 50% each peat moss and vermiculite. I am not expecting them to turn around though. I germinated my last two pandoras, and I am going to try to start these seedlings in the jiffy mix.

Just wanted to throw this out there if someone was thinking about growing this strain, that the Happy Frog was probably too hot for it.

Also, if anyone has any ideas on anything related to this strain, Happy Frog, or my Jiffy mix go ahead let me hear 'em!

Thanks for looking!