Disc Golf


Well-Known Member
Anyone play Disc Golf? Do you play Stoned? Where do you play?
I recently started playing and have really been enjoying myself.


Well-Known Member
Nah just for fun. Im not good enough to play in tourneys. I just like being outside and its fun.


Well-Known Member
love it!!! i just to play in the redwood forests in norcal, not as much fun in the concrete jungle i live in now


Well-Known Member
Cool guys, We have 4 courses here and 2 more being built right now. I'm not sure if I'll join any tourny's, although there is a doubles every wed. night.....


Well-Known Member
hippies are the shit. if we ran things, sure not as much would get done, but god damnit everyone would be a whole lot happier


Well-Known Member
funny how i had just a question about this.. i havent played b4. but had heard alot of ppl talking about D. G. off the forum.. many players on here? curious...


Well-Known Member
Lets put it this way, if you toss your frisbee at someone and they toss it into the woods and you go "hey maaaaaaaan that isn't cool, thats gunna mess up your karma maaaaaaan" then you are a hippie.


Well-Known Member
just laughing from mathew's comment about how hippies talk. i don't consider myself a true hippie but the stereotype always cracks me up.


Well-Known Member
still i'll give you rep for 4000 posts in a month!!!

damn, son! you should be getting paid for this shit


Well-Known Member
ha if i do hit 4000 ima have to cut back on jumping on every thread. that fast reply is what the 4000 is from;)