disgusting anti-semite ilhan omar suggests jews want to control politicians with money


Well-Known Member
Fuck Israel. 100%. Our "great ally" has never deployed a single soldier to help us with shit. They use us like a little punk who picks shit because their big brother will kick their opponents' asses.


Well-Known Member
In the end, we're seeing a trend of young, idealistic but not overly bright women shooting their mouths off without thinking and being made to look like idiots.

Nobody buys more politicians than the Koch brothers. Nobody.

To for some bizarre reason single out Jews as buying politicians when you happen to be Muslim is stupid on a level that is incomprehensible.


Well-Known Member
I really do wish you would make at least a small effort to speak English. I know you're uneducated, but I'd have a better shot understanding Swahili than that garbage you typed. Or your cat typed. Or whatever.
Ebonics is now acceptable language for term papers in college so I think you just need to give up.


Well-Known Member
That's true. Netanyahu is a son-of-a-bitches son-of-a-bitch. That guy is the worst thing to happen to Israel since the Roman Empire.
if obama were president of irael i doubt many people would have a problem with it aside from the extremist parties that exploit palestinians into acting against their own best interests