DIY Air Cooled Res Idea


Well-Known Member
So I was thinking about how a major problem with hydro especially DWC is res temps. And buying a cooler is expensive. I then came up with an idea for a DIY air cooled res that might be used on a small scale, and requires no taking apart of appliances.

Here's my idea you would need a cooler such as this one here, two rubber maid containers. One has to be able to fit into the other one. A fan for venting the air, ducting, tools to drill holes to fit the ducting.

The rubber maid would be used as the res, while the bigger one is where the magic happens. You cut a hole into the cooler big enough to fit the ducting. You cut another hole into large rubber maid. On the other side of the hole you place a computer fan, 115cfm, pulling air into the rubbermaid. Fill the cooler with ice, but make sure when the ice melts, it woudnt go near the duct opening. place res inside of rubber made. And you have a air cooled res. You might want to line the larger rubber maid with something to contain the cold air, and have another duct leading back to the cooler, so no cold air is wasted. I have seen ice stay in a cooler for days. And ice is cheap. I will draw up what a diagram of what i mean later, and expand on a few things. I just had a brain fart early in the morning, and wanted to get the idea down. Happy growing.


Well-Known Member
This is awesome...Im going to try this as well. I already have some fans and ducting...this should work a treat!

Let me know how you get on (pics would be cool :)

Thanks for the idea mate!