DIY Voltage Regulators

Robert Paulson

Active Member
So I went to by some in line voltage regulators, or whatever you would like to call them, to control the speed of my fans and pumps. I soon discovered that they are quite expensive. My solution to this problem was to build my own.

Basically what I have done is built a little box out of the leaf of an old table, purchased a couple 15 amp outlets for $0.59 at home depot, and bought a couple dimmer switches for ten bucks a piece. If you decide to do this for yourself do not go cheap on the dimmer switches. Cheap switches will give you for less control the control of the juice. I installed them into the box wired it all up with 14-2 wire and added a plug to it. It works great and was a hell of a lot cheaper. Check it out.

Voltage Control 3.jpgVoltage Control 1.jpg