DMT trip in your garden


Well-Known Member
I always thought it'd be a good idea to have a garden where one half was evil with datura plants, thorns.. etc.. then on the other have flowers, psychedelic ethnobotanicals.. Then have some crazy statues all over the place. And then go trip in it. I'd stay there for the whole time I think.


Well-Known Member
sounds like the cemetary scene in easy rider...
dmt..explaining it to some one is like explaining calculus to a 5th get the description,but not the details..try some and have fun..nothing like it,and contrary to alot of descriptions,i find it pleasant,not crazy or terrifying..


Well-Known Member
I find it pretty crazy, but you've done a lot more crazy things than I in regard to psychedelics Rory xD
Terrifying isn't a word I'd use to describe it. More like absolutely beautiful.

Until I scare the shit out of myself with this ayahuasca.. Hopefully that won't happen. But if it did, I'd surely go back to figure out why


Well-Known Member
some say its too intense,but i find the people saying that also hitting a bong of good herb and tapping out...
get scared,its fun:-D..only problem is after you scare yourself,its hard to get that scared again..kinda like those guys who ride roller coasters for 24 hours straight..first drops kinda intense,by hour 5,they are taking a nap...


Well-Known Member
some say its too intense,but i find the people saying that also hitting a bong of good herb and tapping out...
get scared,its fun:-D..only problem is after you scare yourself,its hard to get that scared again..kinda like those guys who ride roller coasters for 24 hours straight..first drops kinda intense,by hour 5,they are taking a nap...
So in other words, take that second or third hit...then you will not be amazed by the rest of the ride and you will see the ride for what it really is...


Well-Known Member
wasnt comparing dmt to a roller coaster..was talkin bout him scaring himself with rue,and the fear that occurs with an intense trip,and how hard it is to get that scared again after youve been there..getting used to the the guys who ride roller coasters for a day...


Well-Known Member
Right... I'm just sayin take that second or third hit and when ego death sets in( i don't know what els to call it) it can be terrifying


Well-Known Member
never had it happen..on acid a few times..ive tried to on dmt and cant..i have had what i call a breakthrough,but its not like what anyone describes,no entities,life,death knowledge ect...


Well-Known Member
im not jaded..believe me ive tried for aliens/beings..all ive gotten was faster longer colors...a member here has witnessed me fill a bowl up and torch it with a torch lighter..i layed on the floor wasted for a min,but no aliens,beings,ego death..great time waking up amongst all my friends and surrounded by love tho! very good time...still waiting for the beings tho..i got over a gram to smoke on..hopefully theyll come around...:-D


Well-Known Member
I find the dirtier the dmt the scarier it can be...but I guess that's more jungle spice than dmt
I think this sums it up, I'm guessing you have some extremely pure no? And I don't mean the whole trip is scary, but maybe a couple seconds before being overcome with awesomeness, although I have had some trips that were nothing but, maybe I'm just a pussy


Well-Known Member
no such thing as a bad trip..intense,yes..bad thing happen,yes..the trip..never.
Very well said.

You should really try a home-made ayahuasca brew though, Syrian rue is abundant and cheap just from BBB, then look for sonans song MHRB on amazon.. 90 for a 1/4 lb.. But with your extracting you probably know a good source for that.


Well-Known Member
i do know where a reasonable deal is on mhrb...lemme get through all this dmt in my drawer and ill look into it:-)