DNA Genetics Sharksbreath- Can you explain this?


Active Member
"She's an excellent plant to breed with as she is very stable and has proven herself as the mother of the Martian Mean Green" they claim in the description.

So why are there pollen sacs popping out all over your buds?! She is hermieing hardcore, even see a seed or two popping out of calyxes now finishing week 9

I got the seed for free w/ an order from the Attitude, so I'm not too super bummed over the ordeal but you cannot help but be dismayed to see such hard work and promise take such a drastic turn south so near to the end

Got two questions though:

1.)What causes a plant to hermie?? (obviously i know genetics is often the main factor, but stress can cause it too right?(she never went through any major stress, to my knowledge at least(nothing visible)))

which leads to the second question pertaining to the ongoing viability of this particular phenotype

2.) Chances are, since this is supposed to be a "very stable" strain, that this particualr bean just didn't have the right stuff and thus all clones will be trying to mate w/ themselves in the end?? or does the second generation deserve a second chance? not into wasting time and space growin hermie's