Do Aliens get high?

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
...and there was some talk on C2Cam about shrooms and such actually sending people to alternate dimension with aliens....sure seems a lil rich, but theoretically what we think is actually a part of reality in a sense
I think it was in High Times 30 years ago I read shrooms were sent to earth from space.

That old study claims we're only using 10% of our brains.
If we could learn to use the other 90% we prolly wouldn't need anything.


i've always wondered what would their LSD, DMT, etc., etc. trips be like compared to ours here on earth? them being so many years ahead of humanity here on earth, larger brains, bigger intellect, completely different views on evolution/god stories/time travel. its fascinating really. i could see them saying "oh, you've had contact with DMT elves? well, we know what planet they come from... ha! ha! ha!". not to mention, they'd probably be able to hit a bong like no other.


Active Member
i've always wondered what would their LSD, DMT, etc., etc. trips be like compared to ours here on earth? them being so many years ahead of humanity here on earth, larger brains, bigger intellect, completely different views on evolution/god stories/time travel. its fascinating really. i could see them saying "oh, you've had contact with DMT elves? well, we know what planet they come from... ha! ha! ha!". not to mention, they'd probably be able to hit a bong like no other.
Have you not thought about how they evolved into "higher beings"?
Is the term "High" (-on something) and "Higher being" connected?

Are they humans that ascended 4000 years before us? Why are we so left behind?

I feel so alone... :(


Have you not thought about how they evolved into "higher beings"?
Is the term "High" (-on something) and "Higher being" connected?

Are they humans that ascended 4000 years before us? Why are we so left behind?

I feel so alone... :(
they most likely found a way to access more of the brain power in the human mind and from there their minds grew. also, this could have possibly been a result of tripping, and being able to remember what they saw/felt/learned while tripping, something that to this day plagues users of psychedelics (forgetfulness) and then put it into action in the day to day, and then went forward from there.


Active Member
they most likely found a way to access more of the brain power in the human mind and from there their minds grew. also, this could have possibly been a result of tripping, and being able to remember what they saw/felt/learned while tripping, something that to this day plagues users of psychedelics (forgetfulness) and then put it into action in the day to day, and then went forward from there.
What if psychedelic "tripping" actually takes us to the "dream world", the same place where your dreams are actually happening?
It is the same place where myths and tales came from: dwarves, giants, centaurs...


Active Member
The aliens do not need mary j's services. They have the ability to access the part of their brain that provides the euphoria and switch it on and off at will.


The aliens do not need mary j's services. They have the ability to access the part of their brain that provides the euphoria and switch it on and off at will.
i like the idea that they can access those high feelings/mindset from memory, but also, the idea that they grow their own bud is a major possibility. i wonder how it would grow on other planets, under completely different conditions than those found here on earth? think about all the ways we grow currently, and continue to innovate. they are that much further ahead of the curve than we are, the envelope is pushed that much further.


Active Member
Well if you make the right grow box the moon isn't that far away! LOL We can access those areas as well it just takes practice.


Well if you make the right grow box the moon isn't that far away! LOL We can access those areas as well it just takes practice.
it'll take some time, but NASA astronauts already conduct experiments to see how plants grow in space. vertical grow anyone? haha! i would LOVE to find a way to grow underwater, similar to how seagrass and seaweed occurs. just imagine, huge nugs floating in ocean currents around in deep blue water while the sun shines through massive fan leaves. :weed: a dream come true!


Active Member
it'll take some time, but NASA astronauts already conduct experiments to see how plants grow in space. vertical grow anyone? haha! i would LOVE to find a way to grow underwater, similar to how seagrass and seaweed occurs. just imagine, huge nugs floating in ocean currents around in deep blue water while the sun shines through massive fan leaves. :weed: a dream come true!
that shit made me laugh


Well-Known Member
just sorta half seriously wondering if anyone thinks earth is the only planet that gets stoned
I actually think we are FAR behind in our alkaloidal acceptance (getting high) abilities. If you look at our planet, plants animals and insects. The one thing they have in common is that they use Pheramones/Hormones/Electro-Chemical signals to function. Bugs like ants use them in their antenna to communicate EVERYTHING. Animals like humans use them in extreme situations, or for regular every day function (Ex: Your brain is constantly sending electro-chemical signals so that you: Get hungry, Get tired, Get excited, and Get happy) so on some levels you brain is similar to an ant pile, with the frontal lobe or brain stem being the queen. Then plants use them just like humans, as well as for things that we do not fully understand, such as THC which is not fully understood (as far as what it does for the plant) and is believed to be used by the plants as a water resistance method.

So, based on this observation (that all things communicate on some level using electro-chemical signals) I believe that aliens will communicate via Drugs. Seeing as dosing someone with your personal emotions is the most direct and honest way of communicating, I think that it only makes sense that that is how the universe operates for the most part.
When you get high, you are actually communicating with marijuana on a deeper level than you have ever communicated with most human beings (The exception being pheromone exchange, like when you start to like the smell someone leaves on a pillow).


Active Member
So, based on this observation (that all things communicate on some level using electro-chemical signals) I believe that aliens will communicate via Drugs. Seeing as dosing someone with your personal emotions is the most direct and honest way of communicating, I think that it only makes sense that that is how the universe operates for the most part.
When you get high, you are actually communicating with marijuana on a deeper level than you have ever communicated with most human beings (The exception being pheromone exchange, like when you start to like the smell someone leaves on a pillow).
...and that is why I HATE when somebody calls their plant a "dirty bitch" or "fucking whore". I just wish their plants grew balls.


Well-Known Member
i wonder if they can handle doses of psychedelics that would be considered fatal to humans? and how would they react to those doses?
I just assume they would be Carbon based (Drugs are Nitrogen Bonds), and I can also only assume that some form of life (reptilian, bacterial, mammalian, fungal, etc) would represent them, and we could test the effects.

And Lisuride is like LSD without the visuals, so safer.


Well-Known Member
fuck yea they get high . any thing that lives or breathers that is smart not like me joke . likes to relax tune ever thing out and get fucked up .


New Member
What if they are always high and when their on earth their high goes away. I bet that's why they don't stay!
