do fans blowing air around help with heat?


Well-Known Member
a few question for a hot lil room. should i have more fans blowing the air around or better exhaust or both? does the air get cooled moving around the room? does moving air help with burn spots on fan leaves?


Well-Known Member
I don't have any exaust in my room but I use a small fan to circulate air and keep the door open for atleast 6 hours a day and it drops temps from 80 to 73-74 so It seems to work for me.
I have no air cooled reflector its just alluminum with 400 watter and it gets hot but with one fan blowing to circulate in my closet and a 6 inch clip fan on my reflector keeps my temps lower and my light 12 inces from my tops without burning them
lol sick stoner your location syas,*smoking a blunt in my flowering room* =O i wouldnt have the balls to do that=D lol good luck with your temp problems


Well-Known Member
You should have exughst fans just so you don't get mold growing in the room. to cool the room you need cool air comeing in and the hot going out.


Well-Known Member
a few question for a hot lil room. should i have more fans blowing the air around or better exhaust or both? does the air get cooled moving around the room? does moving air help with burn spots on fan leaves?

TO answer some of your questions.. I'll start with this one.

Air doesn't really "Cool down" the actual air temp its self... all your doing with fans blowing is moving the air molecules around and keeping them stirred up.. this the reaction is (eventually and slowly) does drop the room tempature to a certain point. It also helps preventing burnt plants and burn spots on leafs. Blowing air does this by (again) moving air molecules.. BUT! see.. it's also doing something else. It's also blowing the heat vapors around and keeping them moving.. thus making the room feel much "cooler". Think about it.. if you didn't have some kind of air running inside your grow area.. your going to have what alot of people call "stale air". Or.. no air movement inside a certain area... therefore.. if this is occurring.. no air circulation (movement).. you simply have all the heat vapors.. that your grow lights are emitting.. and they're able to focus (not be disturbed by moving air) on one certain area. You know what I'm saying? So when this happens.. the cause and effect is heat stressed plants.

To put it simple for some of you.. here: Think of what I am trying to explain.. think of it like this in your head. Picture yourself outside.. pulling weeds from your garden.. on a really hot day. Let's say the temp is around 95`F with a 'heat Index' value of around 102`F... and absolutely no wind at all.... Your going to be a sweating, hot, miserable son of a gun aren't ya? Yep!

Now picture the same picture in your head.. your out there pulling weeds from your garden again... Only the wind is blowing. Your not going to be near as miserable with the wind blowing are ya? Nope. And believe it or not.. when the wind blows.. the heat vapors or (heat rays) from the sun aren't as focused and intense as they would be with no wind.

Hope this helped..
