Do I need a fan when using LEDs?


Active Member
I am using 600 watts of LEd and I wonder do i still need a fan? all the fan seem to do is dry the plants up quicker. it is still needed? it would be nice to water them less often but it might have its set backs in terms of lack of circulation but the LEDs have built in fans. im confused


Well-Known Member
if you want weak stemmed plants that fall over when they flower then you dont need a fan.
if you want a sturdy trunk that supports 1/4lb of dank cola, then you need a fan.
decisions decisions...


Active Member
Agree completely with Iam5toned, the more your stems (roots actually) can withstand as far as air movement, the sturdier your stems to support those massive posies :) Fan(s) =DEFINITELY!


Active Member
Using a 90 watt LED, I have a 20" box fan keepin' em movin' and grovin', 2 of 3 weeks from harvest and no need to stake em'.