Do I need a water meter? to measure PPM...and what about mg and ca

hey all,

So I'm planning a grow in soil (miracle gro...and don't start it lol)...and then latter for flowering I may up to soiless mixture with nutes but stating nute-free with nutes in the miracle grow.

Q- do I need a ppm meter? I'll be checking pH but do I need to check ppm? also if I just make weak nute solutions does it matter to check the ppm since it will be low if i make like half-strength nutes?

Q- I've read alot of ppl brining up epsom salts and cal/ it needed?


Active Member
I think I'd do a bit more research about growing before buying a meter. You want to go from soil to something else when switching to flowering mode ? Im pretty sure you'll be using "nutes" throughout the process. A lot of info to sift thru on this site ! I'll be learning for years to come . . .


The epsom salts under my bathroom sink(Publix brand) says 1 teaspoon per gal of water for indoor houseplants every 1-4 weeks. MG isn't that bad, add some perlite to improve drainage and help the roots breath a little. If your shopping at big box stores "Jungle Growth" is pretty good too. Dolomite lime (not quick lime!) is a good idea also for Ph buffering and Cal/mag, around one cup per cubic foot of soil.
My thumb is only green if I dip it in flubber lol...thanks about the dolomite and epsom salts...gonna try to spare the expense of the meter and instead invest in some ONA to keep odor down...unless someone objects rather harshly rather soon


Don't worry about the TDS meter you only need it for hydro unless you suspect your water has high mineral content. The basic soil probes are alright for a novice. A thermometer/hydrometer is also a good investment. If you find you need affordable nutes in the future a lot of folks like shultz liquid 10-15-10 that can be found at most big box stores. The stickies in the forums are a good place to spend a few weeknights reading.


RIU Bulldog
PPM meters are a godsend. It makes feeding your plants easier. You can feed your plants by PPM instead of teaspoons and tablespoons...
fuck ppm thats for fullscale feed small amounts of feed are rather easy to maintain ppm and ph as long as your using clean distilled watter and not over feeding always drop the feed 1/4 to what it says on the bottle your herb will gro very potent and healthy