Do i need to have 24 hour light cycles?


Du i need to use 24 hour light cycles? Or could i just as well use a 22/4 or 24/2 light/dark cycle for vegging?

Could i maybe use a 10/10 light cycle for bloom? Would it speed up the bloom phase by simulating more days faster? Or would it just screw the plants up?


Well-Known Member
There were some growers using 18hour days to make the plants flower faster but it made the yield smaller too proportinally.
Unless this grow is just for fun and experimenting, follow the usual cycles.


Active Member
Du i need to use 24 hour light cycles? Or could i just as well use a 22/4 or 24/2 light/dark cycle for vegging?

Could i maybe use a 10/10 light cycle for bloom? Would it speed up the bloom phase by simulating more days faster? Or would it just screw the plants up?
18/6 for veg 12/12 for flower


What about something like 14/14 for blooming? Is it the light/dark ratio that triggers bloom, hormones etc, or is it the 12 hour light itself? Yes guys. Obviously i too use 18/6 and 12/12. Im just curious.


Well-Known Member
No. KISS. Use 12/12 unless your going to go all anal and try and match natures outdoor daylight cycle to the second indoors like some freaks around here do.

Yes, 12 hours darkness triggers changes in the plant that begin its reproductive cycle in order to continue the species. We deny that reproduction to the female in order to get the best buds


Active Member
Anything over 13hours of light in flower can cause issues with many strains.
Sometimes if I want an earlier harvest I have cut the light to 10 hours and they do mature faster but I get less yield obviously from less growing time.