Do I need to take these buds? PLEASE HELP!!

La Bella Afrodite Automatic, 18/4, 2 gallon bag, 78-82 degrees F, 2-3 weeks into flowering! I water every other day.
I went up to the App. Trail hiking for 3 days/2 nights... so they missed one watering. What should I do, take the affected buds? I dont want it to be a total loss!!
PLEASE HELP!! See attached pics...


Well-Known Member
I see alot more issues than just missing 1 watering.

I see Lockouts, Toxicity, pH problems and Deficiencies.

If it were me personally i would say fuck it and start again.

BUt if you want to try to save it you could try, flushing with a flushing additive and then give a balanced nutrient feeding that contains everything a plant needs including MACRO and MICRO nutrients not just a decent NPK ratio.



Well-Known Member

what NPK and trace element ratios are in this?

It could be thats your problem along with the missing watering.

Wow. IMO you should try to flush your plant like he suggested, regulate it's water supply and don't fertilize. Either the plant will come back or it will die. If it starts to die, wait until your buds are starting to turn darker, almost brown on the tips of the hairs, and start cutting.
Yeah feed it some nitrogen rich fert (Yes I said nitrogen, I don't care if your in flower, if the plant can't photosynthesize it won't keep developing the buds) you should flush it out first. What are your temps like? how is air flow? Any fans? Any leaves that are more than 60-70% destroyed should be removed. There is enough green left on the plant to salvage it but the overall flower time is going to be pushed back due to the shock.

Looks like your soil is at toxic levels. Use more N & cut back on the P & K until the plant recovers, It will take a couple of days atleast could take up too a week or two for the plant to recover depending on how much the damage progresses until you get it under control.

GL man & don't give up on it.


Well-Known Member
Yes you have it all! What your seeing now is the after effects of being burnt pretty good earlier in it's life. With some over watering and possible ph issues on the low side I thinking cause it looks like it:lol:


Well-Known Member
Thanks... I wanted to know how to salvage the few buds that are on the plant
At 2-3 weeks flowering you don't have anything to salvage.

Either correct the issues and continue, or chop and start over. If you choose to continue and correct the issues at hand you'll still get a harvest. I've finished uglier plants than that! So I say stick it out.


Well-Known Member
I know this post is a bit dated, stumbled on it looking for something else. But, damn, that's a textbook case right there.