do i spray mollasses onto the buds or pour into soil?

exactly general rule of thumb is 1 table spoon per 2 qts of water atleast that what jorge reccomends and take into account that if your growin outdoors it will attract bugs and small animals...


Well-Known Member
mol asses is not for spray. Us it for your alternate week of water only....Leave neem, seaweed and hydrogine peroxide for that....One cap full of each in a spray bottle and they will love it...


Well-Known Member
foliar feeding is better then giving water through soil, so your saying dont spray. but then when you buy hydro products they tell you that you can spray the nutrient on them
Think about the function of the roots, what are they there to do. Now think about the leaves on a plant what is there main function.
No Foliar feeding is ok in veg, not better than root fed, and never foliar feed in flower becuase you are taking a HUGH Mold risk.


Active Member
Think about the function of the roots, what are they there to do. Now think about the leaves on a plant what is there main function.
No Foliar feeding is ok in veg, not better than root fed, and never foliar feed in flower becuase you are taking a HUGH Mold risk.
i just bought nutrients from the hydro store yesterday and they gave me info packlet here it goes.
1. the presence of a pecialized root structure called the Casparian Strip. this strip is located inside each and every root and acts as a specialized barrier that blocks the uptake of all elements or compunds except simple sugars and regular plant nutrients like n-p-k.
studies conducted by DUTCH MASTER Nutrients has proven that plants cannot uptake things like amnio acids and complex carbohydrates.????????
molasses is a carbohydrate, its pretty much pure sugar


Active Member
Think about the function of the roots, what are they there to do. Now think about the leaves on a plant what is there main function.
No Foliar feeding is ok in veg, not better than root fed, and never foliar feed in flower becuase you are taking a HUGH Mold risk.
leaves would be the manufacturing centres, almost everything a plant requires to grow and develop is manufactrued in specialized cells contained within the plants leaves
im not saying you should only foliar feed just with your watering


Well-Known Member
this strip is located inside each and every root and acts as a specialized barrier that blocks the uptake of all elements or compunds except simple sugars and regular plant nutrients like n-p-k.
studies conducted by DUTCH MASTER Nutrients has proven that plants cannot uptake things like amnio acids and complex carbohydrates.????????
molasses is a carbohydrate, its pretty much pure sugar
Complex carbohydrates are starches not sugars. According to your own excerpt roots can absorb sugars.


Well-Known Member
The sugars from the molasses are not used directly by the plant. The sugars help feed micro organisms that live in the soil, and they help the plant break down/metabolize the NPK and other nutrients.

The molasses helps the plants roots work more effeciently. The better the nutrient uptake the better/bigger/faster/etc your plant/buds will grow.

Foliar feeding with anything is usually a supplement only, and NOT a primary way for the plant to feed.

ArrOgNt RocKstAR

Well-Known Member
How about you guys try... "Sucanat"

You can find it at most Organic food stores, and online.

Its organic sugar unlike any other sugar i'v ever seen or tasted before i started using it.
It tastes like crystalized caramel and melts in your mouth.

Its packed with tons of good stuff the plants can use, and it disolves very easily into water. My girls love it, especially when i combine it with "sweet":blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
i just bought nutrients from the hydro store yesterday and they gave me info packlet here it goes.
1. the presence of a pecialized root structure called the Casparian Strip. this strip is located inside each and every root and acts as a specialized barrier that blocks the uptake of all elements or compunds except simple sugars and regular plant nutrients like n-p-k.
studies conducted by DUTCH MASTER Nutrients has proven that plants cannot uptake things like amnio acids and complex carbohydrates.????????
molasses is a carbohydrate, its pretty much pure sugar
Hey man it's a crazy world. I'm Stoned and just want to say I hear yeah, but the plants primary way of feeding is through the roots. I use Amino aid and Molases both once a week. Check them out I just took these pics today. After that go to my link below and you can see them individualy as of today. Better yet look at them when they where just a week old then today. They where up above ground on the 10/17 of may.
Look at the New York Special, I almost loss her. Never misted her or the others with nothing but H2o. Lots of love and Patience.