do little white bugs actually harm plans?

john mc

Active Member
i heard that the little white bugs i often get dont harm the plant and just feed off mould. I would like to believe it. i need opinions and also please dont recommend neem oil as i think its the neen oil mould there after.


Active Member
What are these 'little white bugs'? What mould would they be feeding off of?

My opinion would be that both of these things are harming your plants.


Well-Known Member
you must be referring to the infamous "white fly".
Yes they will screw your crop up, you are going to start to see little white clear balls that look almost like resin build up. IT'S NOT! its their eggs they are just as sticky and look cool but yeaaa it had the fly off spring in it...
Also if you dont take care of it asap they will reproduce and by the time you know it the entire surface of your leafs underneath will be covered in them.
They also suck the sap out of your leafs leaving discoloration, as well as transport spores to other plants causing cross contamination. So no they don't eat mold but rather promote it.


Well-Known Member
I'm going to assume you have a root pest and not a moth. These little fuckers eat the fine hairs on the plants roots. This stresses plants and can decrease yields and lenghten finnishing times. You can use pyrethrum sprays,yellow stick traps and pyganic as a soil drench. Cedar oil works to kill them in your medium if pyganic is out of your price range,a few good products are gognats or gnatrol


Well-Known Member
I'm going to assume you have a root pest and not a moth. These little fuckers eat the fine hairs on the plants roots. This stresses plants and can decrease yields and lenghten finnishing times. You can use pyrethrum sprays,yellow stick traps and pyganic as a soil drench. Cedar oil works to kill them in your medium if pyganic is out of your price range,a few good products are gognats or gnatrol
white flies are not moths they are just that white flies. Educate your self and you will know the difference.
Moths in fact attack white flies...

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
Dont be lazy, if you got bugs, deal with em. The only good ones you will see are ladybugs and preying mantesis, all the other bugs should be killed, do it while its manageable and not a full blown infestation....


p.s check out SB Plant Invigorator this product was litterally designed in a pub in the ilse of man. used it for quite a few year and it spot on its long strain molecules pin the bugs to the plant then break down their waxy coating leaving the open, spray them again after 4/5 days and they'll be dead its also a fantastic foliar feed (also helps fight against mould)

john mc

Active Member
thanks for all the replys ive sprayed them with natural insecticide and there nowhere to be found :D


Active Member
I dont get how someone can be growing bud and not know about white flies. You have internet. Fucking research it.
Get some ladybugs... I'd offer to give you some for free, but every time I do that I get accused of being a narc.... Amazon has 300 you can buy cheap...