Do Males Produce any bud??

I have started a new grow for the winter. I have 3 plants about 10" high. They are all showing male. Are they goin to produce any bud? Do only females produce buds? Is there a way to make sure you get only female plants?


Active Member
They will produce pollen sacks that look like grapes (very small in a green way). They do produce THC but not enough to get you remotely high. Its like smoking the leaves which we all know have very little - to no THC.


Active Member
No!! Male plants do not produce bud only female. There is a way to get all female you have to buy feminized seeds from a seed bank.


Well-Known Member
no you cant tell by the seeds if they are male or female. they have feminized seeds which mean when you grow the seeds you have like a 90percent chance being female. thats done through controlled breeding. usually to get a good start keep about 8 seeds from a good bag of weed. plant all 8 let them grow out of those 8 you will be lucky to get 4 females. rip up the males. let the females grow. and it would help if ya read some more cuz not to be an ass or nothing if you read a page worth of how to grow bible you can grow successful and know what your doing


Active Member
i have heard all kinds of rumors about sexing from seed from the size of the seed to the color shape and pattern. i would love to have enough seeds to try and see if there is any truths to these myths. i have also heard it said that when germinating the seed makes a difference in the sex with the anchor root. i think it went if you let the anchor root bunch up it will stress the plant and it will be male. if you allow the anchor root plenty of space to do it job easily no stress and the plant then becomes a female. kind of makes sense because if we stress a plant it hemmies. we are just stressing it at early age. so i always as soon as i see it sprout i move it to it growing location and baby it from there. just myths but we are all a little superstisious anyway