Do my plants look like they have a deficiency

Hey all thanks for stopping by. I'm wondering if my seedlings are looking good or if they might have a deficiency. I also need to know if I should start feeding them mild nutes. They are 3 weeks old and seem to be a little shocked from transplant a week ago. Ph is constantly 5.8 or 5.9. Please tell me what kind of advice yall have and thanks in advance


I think the older leaves on the one plant had a cal def. I gave it some cal mag let night and I seems to have perked up a little


Well-Known Member
You are in hydro, what are you feeding it? Looks like a cal/mag issue. Common in LED grow. In order to fully help, explain more about your set up, what nutes, ph of the water, water temp, ppm.

The more the better, thanks.
But my ppm is way to high I think bc it's at like 800 on my blue labs truncheon meter. Is that the same as it would read on a hanna?
Ph of water is consistent @ 5.9 and temp of water is way to high @ 83 (going to add ice water bottles in a couple hours. Temp in 2x3 grow room is 90. Note line is A.N. grow micro bloom ph perfect trio but none has been given yet just the A.N. Cal mag @ 7 ml and there is about 2.5-3 gallons in res.


Well-Known Member
I didnt like my hanna =/ I like my blue labs. But you still need to tell me all the other details in order for some help. You should really make a grow log. You got some big issues atm.

You say you gave it some cal yesterday, but cal should always be in the water. Please tell us, what you are growing in, nutes (dosage as well). How often are you feeding them, what are the temps? How often are you feeding?

Also keep in mind any time you run with LED you need to be on top of your cal/mag from the start.
And I'm using a 220 watt California light works solarflare led I also have a 6" exhaust and 4" intake. The light is 12" away from plants
Didn't know that about the cal and led thanks. I haven't given them any nutes at all except cal-mag @7 ml. Just ph adjusted distilled water. And it is a 5 gallon dwc with about 3 gallons in res


Well-Known Member
Ok your plant is very hungry then. I do not know those notes sorry should look on there see if it supplies cal/mag. If not, add 5ml per gallon. You really can't over due cal/mag (You can but you are trying to hard if you do). Since you are running LED always keep that.

Your res tank is way to high, you want that in the 65-70 range, you will get root rot. Or a higher chance. When you have high temps you are growing bad things in there. May not be too bad if you change it a lot and it is low water. But yes, you can freeze gallon jug and put in there every day. Messy but works.

Your room temp is hot as well you will get stress, try to get to the 76 mark.

Also for me I like to keep veg at 5.5 - 5.7 for Veg. I turn to 5.8-6.0 for bloom. What ever works for you though every one does it a bit different.
OK thanks! I'm about to do a res change in an hour so that helps. So my label on my nutes say to give 2ml for young plants so should I start with 1 ml of grow micro and bloom each and 5 ml per gallon of Cal mag