Do white americans just really not know how prejudice they have become?


Well-Known Member
I don't think white people are privileged, I don't like that terminology as it implies some kind of special treatment.

White people are simply the "norm" and we just treat minorities like shit and less than the "norm" in this country.

We need to work on having minorities treated as the "norm" too but I think implying there is some kind of "privilege" to people being treated as normal people with rights is bizarre.
Its their sense of entitlement that I find disgusting.


Well-Known Member
Fuck peaceful protesting if they're a bunch of klanners and nazis. I'm not coming peaceful if your rally is full of that bullshit. Come out in public with that shit on and you're going to get fucked up by a crowd ten times bigger than yours, plain and simple. Aside from that, if you don't attack protesters, you won't get hurt by antifa.


Well-Known Member
That's a good thing.

The sweaty tattooed virgins wearing Spartan helmets with their faces screwed up in a rictus like expression shouting hate speech are scary. About 10,000 counter protesters should keep the streets clean of them. That would do.
I think its fucking hilarious that the "master race" needs to appropriate so much foreign culture in their rallies.