Do you believe it?


Well-Known Member
It's such a nice day too.

My laptop is burning my legs because of the heat.
Gotta love wireless internet.

You've gotta have weed on a nice day like today!!
amen to that! no humidity, perfect temps and a bagfull of weed! life couldn't be better!


Well-Known Member
amen to that! no humidity, perfect temps and a bagfull of weed! life couldn't be better!

I went all out today and bought a lot of BBQ stuff.
I'm all set for a fucking nice night!!

Just relaxing now with my weed and some nice cold Budweisers. :hump:


Well-Known Member
lol you best be wishing the pole shift doesnt happen lol or it will be the uk in the good weather lol and you will have snow


Well-Known Member
lol i just have to say it coz of the 2012 thread it is lol
lol ontime that video is a crock of shit...they said the only way you can see the planet is from the south pole. Then they go and show you a picture they say is real with the supposed planet above the sun, yet there is a palm tree in the fucking picture...