Do You Carry A Weapon?


Well-Known Member
The mind is the greatest weapon of all. Only thing is people nowadays don't know how to best use it.


Well-Known Member
thats why people call the cops, because they have guns. fuck that. thats like having a gud homie that you call all the time when sumthing goes down


Well-Known Member
No... Never have and never will... Im a pretty big guy and have never really got any stress of anyone... I do however carry 2 wallets... my normal wallet with small amount of every day cash... then another small wallet for credit cards and larger amounts of cash... so on the very small chance that i would get mugged... then i could give them the normal wallet... Obviously... if you carry a weapon then you are exponencially more likely to use it...


Well-Known Member
try kenpo. Or wing chun. wing chun, legends has it, was created by a woman, who was told by a kung fu expert, i will date you, only if you can beat me, and wing chun was born. or something liek that. look into it im sure your into that romantizing a kung fu expert type shit kuroi
Lol good story. I'm not the romancing on first sight type though. I fall in love slowly and then I stick like a fucking limpet X3

I need to go look this up now. Has anyone got any Japanese swords? I think some have breathtaking craftmanship on the hilt and scabbards even though no one is going to look at them for long... Unless said sword is sticking out of your guts nicely or in a museum.

Knives. Delicate, little sharp-sharp knives. I like to look at them and watch them being polished.

So pretty...


Well-Known Member
if your not familiar with Cold Steel then you need to look em up. Frikn Katana they make will cut through a pig. ( might not get through a bpv tho)


in my ride i keep my kabar by the seat its lazer sharpend if you reach in my ride youll find out also good at throwing it i bought 2 and throw one at tree 10 times every day and stick it every time ...behind a coat at my front door is a shotty guest dont know its there but if theres somthing funny in my yard its there ....I have a 9 under my pillow ...and on in the bathroom ..I like to have a weapon on me that im really fimlar with ..but anything can be a weapon ....dont be caught slippin the life of a grower is a dangers one ..people want what you got ....


Pickle Queen
I think everyone should carry something they can use to defend themselves, not a fan of carrying a weapon unless the need is there ( animals and such) I'd much rather use a taser or pepper spray and run like a crazy women then have to deal with the mental turmoil of having taken someones life, even if they are scum of the earth.


Well-Known Member
in my ride i keep my kabar by the seat its lazer sharpend if you reach in my ride youll find out also good at throwing it i bought 2 and throw one at tree 10 times every day and stick it every time ...behind a coat at my front door is a shotty guest dont know its there but if theres somthing funny in my yard its there ....I have a 9 under my pillow ...and on in the bathroom ..I like to have a weapon on me that im really fimlar with ..but anything can be a weapon ....dont be caught slippin the life of a grower is a dangers one ..people want what you got ....

hope you dont have any kids there or neices n nephews visiting...if people want your gear so bad then perhaps you should not tell anyone or show anyone your grow


Well-Known Member
I think everyone should carry something they can use to defend themselves, not a fan of carrying a weapon unless the need is there ( animals and such) I'd much rather use a taser or pepper spray and run like a crazy women then have to deal with the mental turmoil of having taken someones life, even if they are scum of the earth.
here is the thing..if you injure someone with a weapon the charges are upgraded to aggravated ..i carry no weapons and will take my chances with my hands.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
I think everyone should carry something they can use to defend themselves, not a fan of carrying a weapon unless the need is there ( animals and such) I'd much rather use a taser or pepper spray and run like a crazy women then have to deal with the mental turmoil of having taken someones life, even if they are scum of the earth.
that's a good point. i think if someone came up and tried to rob me and i shot and killed them my conscience would get the best of me at some point. not that it wouldn't be a "good kill", but having to look at the guy's fatherless crying kids in court would be pretty hard. or if it later came to light that the person was severely mentally impaired or something. even if it was just a garden variety scumbag. someone somewhere is without a father or husband or brother or whatever. don't get me wrong, i'd still shoot their ass, but it would affect me.