Do you get mad over weed?

Do u? Personally it doesn't bother me but it does suck.. But I know someone who will try to call there dealer if they don't answer they automatically turn into a bad mood if they relize they won't have weed for the day! Like this person will get so mad and let everything that's bothering them come out(which makes everything worse) then u can't talk to this person because they Are so mad that everything u say to them they have a smart ass remark too(which makes it worse) and they stay like this till they get weed pretty much.. So have you ever Incountered such nonsense?


Well-Known Member
That sounds like addiction!! Lol. We just go to weed clubs here now but every dealer has heard disappointment in people when they are out of stock. I get mad about weed sometimes, like when things don't go to plan but that's just work.