do you guys think I passed my test?


Active Member
So today I had to take a test which I knew was coming. I stopped smoking back in late august but the first weekend in december I had a couple hits of a small bowl at my friends house and then on dec 22nd I had a couple hits and a brownie at my cousins place. I'm a very physically active person (do crossfit on a consistent basis) and am about 170lbs, 5' 7", with about 13% body fat (lol, i know that because i'm kinda of a nerd and physical fitness). I took a take home drug test two days ago (made by First Check only for mj testing) and passed with a pretty solid line. I took the test at about 12pm and didn't really drink that much water that day but had coffee. Today, I took my test at quest at about 12pm but I drank about 20oz of water and 16oz of rockstar energy drink lemonade a over the period of 2hrs before the test. During that time, I had to go the bathroom twice as that stuff runs through my system quickly. What are you thoughts if I passed the test? Its been exactly 38 days since my last smoke and even before that I smoked once two weeks before that...I'm really nervous...


Active Member
yeah it was...I took a few hits of a small bowl pack and had a small brownie which was pretty light in potency...I remember being almost blacked out a week or two after and trying to find herb and thank go me and my buddy didn't....


Well-Known Member
The fact that you were already a light user, as of August, means that your system will become clean more quickly than a regular smoker with metabolites built up in their system. I'd almost bet money that you passed....