Do You Sell?


Well-Known Member
While you are on your soapbox casting your moral values down upon us, I suggest you stop in every fucking grow thread and make an ass out of yourself and notify the journal poster that you are looking out for them and they are breaking federal law.... this is a grow site, give me a fucking break..... :roll:

Whatever guys...if you wanna admit "yeah i break federal law" go for it...sounds like an awful idea to me.

And YES they CAN trace Ip's if you move serious weight.

PZ out!


Well-Known Member
Coming from someone that buys 7 grams of weed at a time, I call BS to your reported bling and cash. Do you think you are the only street hustler who has made a purchase and broke the weight up and made a profit? Do you realize this thread violates RIU's policies regarding the sale or illegal distribution of marijuana? Buying 7 grams for $20 makes you da man? GTFO

A lot of people here discuss growing, not street peddling of a g...... that's small time and not worth anyone's time here. lol.... killin me...


I don't want to show you the rest of my operation because I don't only sell weed, but here is what I was talking about above. I'm waiting for my necklace to get finished. I got two rows of diamond put onto it :D
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Active Member
omg... did i start this eBashing???? I'm actually kinda feeling a bit sorry for you Doc, maybe you can see the wider point of view though??

On the other hand, some of the stuff in this thread is gold... had me laughing for ages....


New Member
I come back and 8 pages later your all still talking about me lmfaooooo and Serapis you can grow legally as many of us know. But you can also do it illgally like SELLING YOUR BUD TO PEOPLE WITHOUT CANNIBAS CARDS. Which im sure our OP does btw he talks.

And I wasn't trying to be on my "moral soap box" I was trying to be on my "not in jail soap box". Admitting you do illegal stuff online is just retarded. Period. Sorry no one is gonna convince me it's not. And serapis your always the "hxc rebel without cause proving everyone wrong" type of guy. I don't think I ever heard you agree with's getting old.


doctor bud you need get back in your moms basement and stfu..
100% of what you say is bullshit..
if you wanna pretend to be a badass on the internet get on myspace!!