Do You Think These Plants Will Make It?


Thank you for taking your time to view this post and I have a few questions. Well first thing is I got some plants growing (In Mass.) outdoors and I planted them around July 18th and there I've got 6 of them. 4 or them have five points on the leaf and 2 have three points and on average stand around 3ft tall. I'm not sure how to tell if its male or female or if its too early and also I've had some that have had the tops bitten off (before I built a fence ;-)) and they grew like two heads, if that necessarily a bad thing and will it result in less weed? And my biggest worry is if you think the plants will make it, I've noticed its started to get colder but still getting sunlight most of the day but there's probaly around a month of summer left and im not sure if there gonna make it and frost usually occurs November. And finally could somebody link me or tell me how to properly harvest the weed after it buds and how long that usually takes and if there is any thing I can do to make it more potent. Thank you for your time :bigjoint: