Do you track your actual feedings for each grow?


New Member
Does anyone use a spreadsheet or similar resource to track feeding for your grow? Something that shows dates, nute name and amount, date, etc. Tapering up and then down with various nutes depending on weeks into veg or flower.
Does anyone use such a thing? Can you recommend one that's public domain? Thank you for reading!


Well-Known Member
pen and pad here too.. Its easier to keep track of where your at that way especially when high. I water when they are ready to water individually, not all at one time. Before the pad I might water or feed the same plant twice and did once for sure and burned one bad. Ever since I write it all down..


Well-Known Member
Does anyone use a spreadsheet or similar resource to track feeding for your grow? Something that shows dates, nute name and amount, date, etc. Tapering up and then down with various nutes depending on weeks into veg or flower.
Does anyone use such a thing? Can you recommend one that's public domain? Thank you for reading!
Just a Calender,and pen.I Do organics ROLS runs like a well oiled machine.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Yeah man, i do...
I use GH Flora Series schedule, modified by one previous grower, with more bloom, haven't tried original tho...
I made my spreadsheet at Google Drive so it is available at my computer and at my portable devices.
At that spreadsheet there is calculated formula by volume of reservoir, so if i replace my container to larger i could quickly calculate how much i need n stuff...

But for feeding, no i don't write down my feedings. I'm using hempy bucket and once a week i give her good sip till run-off, but other days she is feeding with approx. ~400ml at day dripping from top.
When i grew at soil i feed her every third day, but really i think just remeber when you gave her, and watch her - remeber, it is nature and she adapts to changes slowly.



Well-Known Member
Yep, I log every activity into a Word document, and use my Calendar for reminders/recurring events. I could do a spreadsheet or database but I find Word good enough and allows me to go back and see/find exactly what I did/when/why. I use a set range of keywords/headers, e.g Water:, Feed:, Change:, New: Observation:, Pollination: etc. for each entry and automatically stamp the date/time above each entry, makes it easy to go back and use the find feature quickly. I'm a detail freak, which comes in handy as I tend to also experiment/try stuff, having it logged allows me to see what works and what doesn't, vs. relying on gut/feel/memory. Even basic things like watering can easily be forgotten or mixed up when you have multiple grows on the go, e.g. right now I have new seeds germinating, some seeds that popped last week and now in party cups, some seedlings in party cups 12/12 straight from seed, 2 veg cabinets going, a breeding project/tent, and my main flower room finishing up a round. With so many different stages on the go, if I didn't log something, I'd fuck something up for sure. It allows you to see patterns also like frequency of watering through the different stages of growth. Regardless of what you use to log, the key is to log it, in other words log it or it didn't happen...