DOC - Dimethoxy-bodyloadless


Well-Known Member
The one thing I HATE about phenethylamines is that while tryptamines feel relatively benign in my body, phenethylamines (such as 2ce, mescaline, etc.) give me horrible bodyload sometimes along with nausea. I can take the nausea, but not the anxious body load, and at THE DOSES you guys know I need, I can't dabble in the too heavy body loaders (2cp fucking sucks).

I did about 6mg of DOC today, other than being really nauseous, I feel like this is such a smooth and visual experience, fuck everything else. No body load at all. wtf. It's so benign I wish there was some bodyload! lol Well I'm out and I just stopped in quickly and thought I'd give an update, feeling good.. Definitely the most like lsd, but still is lacking the mental complexities lsd has to offer which makes it such a unique molecule. I fucking love lsd.


Well-Known Member
hrmm i can get 2-c-c never thought of getting it visually nice with not much body load you say? whats the plateu like

incase you dont know 2-c-c is the phenythlamine equivalent of doc


Active Member
How long did you trip for with that dosage? DOC sounds interesting, but if its a long trip I'm after, I'm riding shotgun with Lucy.


Well-Known Member
^ It lasts a lot longer than LSD. On a high dose, I can trip for 24 hours. Regular dose probably around 12.

yeah I agree. The body load from 2ce is really rough on me as well. It makes me really edgy, and pretty sick on high doses. I also agee DOC kicks ass, and is the most similar to LSD. It can be more fun than LSD sometimes (but not as spiritual or something).... I haven't had it since those spiderman blotters, if anyone else remembers those. Never had it straight..... man Wish I knew where to get it. =\ enjoy man!